Christmas Carols and Cookies

Really the title of this post should be Christmas carols, Christmas cookies and Christmas swimming. It doesn't quite have the same ring to it but that is what our weekend consisted of. And I would do this weekend over again and again!
August Samuel started our weekend off with his first ever Christmas program. My boy is a singer--loud and proud. I have been anxiously awaiting his program because I couldn't wait to see him in action. I wondered if the same Auggie we see at home would perform in front of all those people. He did not disappoint! On the way there I asked him what is favorite song was that he was going to sing. His answer: "Well really John Deere Green is my favorite song but we aren't singing that at my program. So I guess I like Jingle Bells." Maybe Miss Kortney can work John Deere Green into the telling of Jesus's birth next year. He smiled, waved, made funny faces, and sang his little heart out. We are super proud of you Aug!
The boy had lots of special guest there to see him.
Thank you Nana!
Thank you Grandpa Sammy and Grandma Susie!
Thank you Papa and Grandpa Jim!
I couldn't help but think of Grandma and get a little sad. She lived for programs such as this. She was Auggie's biggest fan and I know she was watching from heaven. 
Will you pray for my Grandpa this Christmas season? He misses her so. We all do. 
Bennett came to watch too. Not sure what he enjoyed more, the singing or the two snickerdoodles he had afterwards. These boys of mine bring me so much happiness. And I think they are pretty handsome too. 
In Auggie's teachers' Christmas cards I thanked them for loving on and teaching our boy so well. He loves them and school and that is all this Momma can ask for. This sweet program was the perfect way to kick off our Christmas countdown. 
Saturday morning we headed to Grove. We had Christmas cookies to make! It has become a tradition that we decorate Easter eggs with my best pal Kaci and her family but I am thinking we might just have to add Christmas cookies to the tradition list too. I love that her family embraces mess and laughter--we fit right in there. 
I had warned my big ones that no, they could not eat all the cookies or lick the icing or spill the sprinkles and they actually listened fairly well. (That or I turned a blind eye to all the cookies they did in fact eat.) Aug's best cookie was a Santa Claus iced bright blue with cow sprinkles and two goggly eyes. He gave it to Grandpa Sammy who ate it right up. 
Emery was proud of lots of hers and she should have been. She might be my baker. 
The crew! The stars aligned perfectly for me because Bennett ended up taking a nap for a large part of the morning. Whew. That meant I got to snuggle the newest member of our friend group and was just able to enjoy myself a little more. (No offense B.) 
Thank you for having us Probsts!
We couldn't be in Grove and not check in on (i.e. reck havoc on) Grandpa and Grandma. Douglas aka Santa's little helper started on the kids' playhouse on Saturday so it was my job to stay away as long as possible which was really quite easy. We probably could have stayed at Grandpa and Grandma's all night but I had to get home to get fancy! Doug and I were invited to a "Fancy" dinner party at old friends who just moved into the neighborhood. When they said fancy they were not kidding! Yes, that is me with a torch, crisping up the sugar on my own creme brûlée. Just your average Saturday night, right? All the food was so good, so was the conversation and we stayed out way too late. Bonus though--we were less than a minute from home! 
By noon Sunday the big kids were driving Doug and I slightly crazy. Just picture lots of jumping off of the couch after being told 400 times not to jump off the couch. Auggie kept insisting that we needed to go swimming but the plans were that we were going to go finish Christmas shopping and do laundry (which sounded awful then and now.) After appearing in the kitchen naked and demanding he put on his swimming trunks, Doug and I looked at each other and decided that maybe we should in fact go swimming. I had been saving some passes to the Workman center so we dug those out, found our floaties and headed for the pool. And I am so glad we did. Emery picked up right were she left off in the summer and Auggie surprised us by jumping in and under too many times to count. As of two weeks ago a meltdown insued if his head got wet during bath time. You just never know.  
Doug and I were most curious about this smiley guy. He kind of follows in Auggie footsteps and we never know what to expect. He. loved. it. He didn't stop smiling or squealing the whole time we were there. I am so glad we spent the day swimming with our little fish.
Our three were ready for bed after their fun day and I am ready for this week. The last week of school before break! I have no practices or games this week so I already feel like I am going to get to enjoy my people so much... and then after that even more when we are actually on break. Yay! Can you tell that I am excited?

Hoping you had a wonderful weekend too and that this week brings you whatever it is that you are needing! Sign me up for all of those!


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