The Rest of Our Break

Christmas break you were so, so good to us. You were busy. You were slow.
You were all things a good Christmas break should be. And now you are over.
Oddly, I am not sad about this fact. Sure I will miss sleeping in, my morning kiddo cuddles, my messy house (jk). But we Jansens have exciting things ahead and are ready to get our 2019 started.
But know I gotta do a little recap. 
I should have known we were going to have a good break because it could have only gone up from where it started. Em and I were in a wreck on our way to school right before break. It was one of those slow motion, I saw it coming and thought the person was going to stop (but they didn't stop) kind of wrecks. Thankfully we were fine. The van, however, was not fine. Nor was the yard, make that the reigning champion yard in the fifth annual Effingham Christmas Lights contest. Thats right. I about ruined Christmas for a sweet family by taking out all of their light display. Luckily, they had been declared the winners the week before. There is always a bright side and with this wreck there were actually quite a few: I didn't ruin that family's Christmas, new car seats, I got to drive an "exotic" SUV for over two weeks, and again, we were fine. 
Being the Cheer Coach, we of course spent a little of our break at ballgames. The big kids like them and it isn't that B doesn't like them...he just can't sit.  I couldn't sit for long either. Back in mid-Decemeber I woke up with an awful sore neck. Thinking I had just slept on it wrong, I knew I would be better the next day. Boy, was I wrong. Two weeks later and the pain not only now started at my ears and pulsed down my legs, but it was much worse. I had never ever had back problems in all of my 30 years. Douglas believed there in-lied the problem. I was now 30. Very funny Doug. I finally went to the doctor and with a diagnosis of sciatica and bad inflammation was given some meds that thankfully have worked. I ran for the first time in a long time on January 2nd and my back didn't hurt (everything else did, but that is besides the point) so I am hoping I am back to my old young self. 
We rang in the new year just the way we like to ring in the new year; full, happy and surrounded by some of our best friends. The adults played games and I hadn't laughed that hard in a while. The kids ran around and made messes. There was only one broken object and a little bit of blood. So a success. 
Bennett Boy is ready to rock 2019!
The perks of having a party at our house is that B can go to bed and the rest of us can party on. Yes, the big kids might have had ice cream around 11:30. No regrets.
I got to kiss Em, Aug and Douglas at midnight and made sure to get an extra one from B the next morning. The perfect way to start the new year. Uncle Chuck left our house around 3:30 in the morning (who are we!?!) and I am forever grateful for kids who have learned the art of sleeping in over break. Sweet, sweet sleep. 
We spent New Years day picking up and putting Christmas decorations away. I always think I am going to be sad to see them go....but I kind of dig everything being back in its place. I loved going to bed that night with a picked up house....
And then Sharon gifted Bennett his new ball-pit. Just kidding, Shar. He loves it, the big kids love it, I love that they love it. But my house may never be the same. I was thankful for our quick catch up and look forward to seeing her (and my other girls) soon!
Wednesday was hair-cut day at our house which usually just involves the boys, but this time it was Emery Kayt who was getting a new do. A little backstory: Earlier this year Em declared that she wanted to donate her hair. She knew about it from a girl at school and I thought it was a great idea. But Em likes her hair very simple....preferably untouched by brush or bow, much to my dismay. In the last few months her hair has been at the center of some of our biggest disagreements. I send her to school looking one way (normal) and she comes home looking another (crazy person). With confidence she told me that she would just take out whatever I did to it when she got to school. I threatened to get it cut and she played the "but I want to donate it" card. Hmm.
I know you are thinking, "But you are the Mom, do something about it!" I am telling you...five year old girls can be tricky!
We finally had a mature conversation about it. We measured her hair and realized that she probably needed to grow her hair out for at least 8 more months (not happening....). We talked about only being 5 and that maybe she could try to donate it again when she was a bit older and could handle having long hair. 
Honestly, it didn't take much convincing...
So I got her the quickest appointment I could and the bob is back. She loves it, I love it. We are keeping it simple and so far so good. She is excited to show her friends at school. She is not, however, excited to go back to school...sleeping in, staying up late and playing with our neighbor girl all day everyday is Em's definition of a perfect break. Sorry sister. But like I tell my students, now Summer break is right around the corner!
We have finished up our last weekend of break by enjoying this amazing weather. 50 and sunny, don't mind if I do. Laundry is caught up, I need to run and get groceries for the week and we all need baths. During break baths kind of go out the window.  It will have to be early bedtimes because tomorrow is a big day. 
Back. to. it. 
But we are ready. 
(Check back later this week and I might be singing a different tune, but hopefully not.)
I hope your break was good and that you too are ready to get back to it. Or if you have already been back to it that life is going well. Or if you are sad or anxious about getting back to it, that you give yourself grace and time.

So there it is. The rest of our break.
Bring it on Monday!


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