Gotta Have Balance

Our past week was a slower one but our weekend sure wasn't. Both were equally as good though.
I guess I call that balance. I find myself using the word balance a lot. Veggies and water all day to ice cream and wine at night. Balance. Coordinated outfits and clean fingernails to "sure you can wear that shirt for the fourth day in a row" and "maybe if I just clip them, your fingernails will appear clean." Balance. Washing all the laundry in the house to finally folding said laundry a week later. Balance. 
Using the word balance may sound like an excuse but helps me stay sane. 
This past week was a fun week for Em at school. Not only was it Catholic School's Week but she celebrated the 100th day of school. A note was sent home explaining that students were to make a shirt with 100 items on it. I somehow missed this note. We received it....I just didn't read it. Luckily Emery forgets nothing her teacher says and casually mentioned her 100th shirt to me the day before. 

We had no shirt, no ideas and little time. I figured I would be up all night hot-gluing 100 of something to a shirt. When I mentioned my troubles to my school's secretary, she dug around in a drawer and pulled out a few paw print stamps. Score! (P.S. A school's Secretary is their best kept secret. You need help? You go to her!) Em is all about school spirit and absolutely loved the idea of 100 bulldog paw prints. A $3 shirt, some cheap paint and about 10 minutes later, she had the cutest 100th Day shirt. The best part to me was that Emery actually made her shirt. She stamped and counted and stamped and counted some more. I used to be a "Pinterest Mom". Even before she was born I would pin cute crafts, over the top birthday themes, kid-approved healthy meals. Now I scramble to put together something that doesn't look like I scrambled to put it together, I am planning on Auggie having the exact same birthday party as last year, and I often miss the healthy part of the "kid-approved healthy meals".

But Emery loved her scrambled together shirt, Auggie Boy will only be happy with another farm birthday and fruit is healthy, right? 
Smack in the middle of our week the kids and I were gifted a day off of school. It was lovely. Cold, but lovely. It was nice to have a slow morning with my babies, it gave me a chance to catch up on laundry (folding, not washing. I am great at washing), and it just let us rest. Our neighbor girl braved the cold and walked over so Emery was very busy all day. Bennett took naps and got into everything-his two favorites. The night before I asked Auggie what he wanted to do all day. His answer: "Cuddle!" So he bounced between playing with the "durls" and cuddling with his Momma. It is all about balance with this blonde boy. When to give in, or let go of a little control and when to hold on tight.  He would like to wear is farm shirt every second of everyday and in his perfect world he would live off of s'more pop-tarts and apple a few days out of the week he gets what he wants. We find some middle ground, some balance. 
Bennett Lee. The boy that has probably taught me the most about balance. With #3 it may look like my mothering skills have gone down hill but when it comes to things that really matter I think he has made me better. Last week I saw on my calendar "Bennett Appointment"....I didn't remember making him an appointment. Doug asked me if it was for a well-baby check and to that we both asked, "How old is he, anyhow?!?" Well according this his doctor, 15 months! B is 24lbs of busy. He had an ear infection (not surprising) but is still so much healthier than he was a few weeks ago. The doctor asked how many words he was saying and the answer is none.  We know he could talk but he chooses to do what he wants, when he wants. He understands everything we say, loves playing downstairs, would like to be eating at all times and has a temper. He also has the cutest dimple and silly grin. 15 months of loving on you B!
Saturday was a very special Girls Day! Em and I were invited to go wedding dress shopping with my future sister-in-law and we had such a fun day. We are so thankful to have been able to be apart of it. Dee Dee looked drop dead gorgeous in every single dress. Emery told me later that if she had been Dee Dee she would have said "Yes to every dress!" I love all things wedding and that might have rubbed off on my girl.  Dee Dee ended up picking the perfect dress and it has me even more excited for this summer and fall. Bring on allllll the weddings!
While we girls had a girl day, Auggie and Doug got to have a Boy Day. Doug, Sam, Auggie and Rube got to see an Illini win!
Douglas sent me this picture--Aug slept through the first half. Probably for the better! Auggie told me it was loud, that they won and that he got to eat McDonald's--all the highlights! 

Auggie Story: Auggie tries to get away with saying "bad words" that he has heard from other kids. Example: Fart. I hate this word and the boy knows it. At the ballgame he told Doug and Sam, "I am not supposed to say the word fart...but when Mommy isn't around I say it!"
What am I going to do with this one!?!

While the big kids were busy having special days, Bennett Lee had a special Grandma Susie day. I think, actually I know, she enjoys having just one grandchild at a time and I know B loved it. Being the center of attention is his thing. 
That night we all met back up in Grove for Miss Katie's birthday! I love these blue eyed beauties. 
All three of mine were out cold on the way home that night. That is when you know a fun day was had by all. The biggest win of the day might have been transferring them all to bed with ease. 
Sunday we had a little time at home. Just the right amount of time to wash (and fold--go me!) some laundry and send Douglas grocery shopping. Emery finally got to play outside with her bestie and the boys both got in big, needed naps. I got in a much needed run. It had been a long time since I breathed that hard or sweat that much. It felt good. Doug and I have a trip coming up so I am telling myself that this is my month to do all the running, drink all the water and eat all the vegetables. Okay, maybe not eat all the vegetables. But some. 

Run, water, burger and fries?  
We ended the weekend with a Super Bowl Party. I did not watch a minute of football but I did laugh a  lot and eat a lot too. I love this gang. So many memories come to mind when I look at this picture and I love that now all of our littles are making memories of their own. Em and Aug played some sort of made up clue finding game with the other big kids and Bennett played in toilets and fed the dog his supper. Told you he brought balance to my life haha.

The past week and weekend had this balance of busy and slow that I kind of think is our sweet spot. 
Hoping this next week and weekend follows suit.


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