All Smiles

Honestly, its been awhile since everyone at our house was all smiles....
This guy is too blame. When Bennett Baby isn't happy ain't nobody happy. 
And Bennett Baby ain't been happy....
Until now!! Its amazing what an antibiotic and a whole day of sleeping will do for a boy. He is a new man. Or I guess he is his old self. Happy-go-lucky and goofy as can be. We missed you B!
He spent the weekend going a million miles an hour, flashing that get-anything-I-want dimple and belly laughing at his own jokes. And because he is happy and sleeping again, we are all so happy.
I like to remark to Douglas that our babies bring us joy (I have to remind us of this when they are in fact not bringing us joy haha) but this weekend they really did. 
I'll take chaos and crazy as long as they are happy and all smiles. Happy babies really do bring me joy!
This girl is easy to please and I can always count on her for a big smile. I can also count on her to jump at the chance for a treat (got it from her Momma). Friday 3pm "Girl Night" officially started. I asked her if she wanted to kick it off with a treat and at that she said, "Lets go to Starbucks!"
Whats funny is the girl has maybe been to Starbucks one other time in her life but that cake pop clearly left a strong impression. I painted her toes and nails a pretty pink at her request and we curled our hair. After pampering we headed to Newton to meet all our other ladies for a fun night at the musical. 
Friday night reminded me how special and imporant this alone time is with her. When did she get so big? We talked without interruptions (dang boys) and sang along to the radio together. She has every song memorized. I take for granted how easy and sweet she is and I pray that she will continue on this path and that God will guide me in my parenting of her. I hope that I can love her well. 
Smiling already thinking about the little girl time I know we will have next weekend. 
Saturday we were all smiles celebrating Daddy! He just turned the big 3-0 so we had friends and family gather at the Lake House. Note not my house. When I saw that the weather was going to be warmer I texted Chuck to see if I could host my party at his family's house. Smartest decision ever. First of all, I didn't have to clean my house. And really we fit so much better out there and its a Lake House. There is just something about the lake. If you could read my mind during this picture you  would see that I am thinking about all the memories I want to make out there this summer. (I am also thinking that I hope everyone is at least looking at the camera haha). Emery and Auggie love it out there and already have talked about jumping off the dock during the first swim. Bennett Lee will be impossible. We are looking into buying a big baby yard gate and when he figures out how to get out of that I will just stick a life jacket on him the minute we get there. 
Or maybe B will just stay with Nana....
Even though we were celebrating Doug, Emery had the best day ever on Saturday. Spent all day outside with the neighbor girl, then got to play with her favorite cousin Katie and then we let her stay up way past bedtime with her best friend Charlee. Her cheeks had to hurt. 
I have no pictures of Auggie Boy from the weekend. Girl time with Emery and keeping up with B means my middle child got the back burner this weekend. But I made up for it today because I got to spend the morning at home with my boys. Its quite easy to make Aug all smiles. Help him put on this farm clothes (763 times), read to him and cuddle him. He would have been happy with just the cuddles.

I am hoping this week brings health for all in my house and yours, not too much busy and a whole lot of smiles. 


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