Growing and Changing

Things are good over here in Jansen Land. Unpacked from vacay, all healthy, the weather is getting warmer and the sun is shinning past supper time. 
I can kind of feel summer break....kind of. Or maybe its too early to say that.
What I do know is is that my babies are growing and changing too, too fast. I get back from five days  away and somehow they have outgrown all of their shoes and clothes and just have the funniest and smartest things to say. Well not Bennett. He refuses to speak. But has somehow mastered the perfect mad glare. Since they were so good while we were away, Doug and I decided they deserved a treat (and needed out of the house). Nana happened to have off work too, so on Saturday we headed to one of their favorite places. It was even more apparent there just how big they are getting. 
I could write a whole blog post just full of funny Emery lines. The girl has an opinion on everything and gets more stubborn by the day (Douglas swears she takes after me...) but at the same time has become even more of a motherly, big sister, sweet heart. She recently got to go with me to a supper with my cheerleaders and I won't lie that as I sat across from her, surrounded by high schoolers, my mind wandered to what she will be like in 10 years. Really I hope she will be like many of the girls she looks up to. I also hope that she looks up to me. She had us all giggling at her quick wit the other night when we were naming people on out "Love-List". I was just happy that I made it high up on her list-just behind Daddy and Bennett. A few minutes later when I refused to give her something she wanted she looked at me with a little smirk on her sweet face and without missing a beat said, "Well I guess you are at the bottom of my love list now."
Can you guess who is always at the top of her list??
This girl is going to give me a run for my money. None of her clothes fit, she refused to take a bath the other night because "I want to be stinky and dirty!" and she still blows me kisses when I drop her off at school. I love the little lady she is.
August Samuel was in his own little heaven at the children's museum. He would have sat in the tractor or combine all day. On a normal day at home you can find him in either a flannel, overalls and boots or his Illini basketball shorts and tennis shoes. Whatever he is pretending to be, the outfit must match. He has gotten so much taller (high waters to prove it) but is as skinny as ever. I don't know if its because he doesn't eat all that much or if it is because he doesn't stop moving. He went to his first ever friend birthday party last week and my momma heart loved hearing what a good boy he was. He has matured a lot recently, or maybe Doug and I have just finally figured him out. If I ask him what he wants to do all day his answer is always "cuddle" and he tells me he "wuvs" me a million times a day which is not quite enough somehow. He talks and talks and knows everything about everything. For Lent he told me he wasn't going to punch Emery anymore and followed that with "Mommy, Jesus loves you even if you are bad."
The boy has life figured out. 
Oddly enough this is not the only picture I have of my blonde-boys head. I could stare at it all day.
And kiss it. Lots of kisses.
Bennett Lee, Bennett Baby, Bad Boy Little Bennett, or simply just B. We thought Auggie was the wild child and we were very wrong. B is the first child to get his crib mattress put on the floor and I am just waiting on him to figure out how to escape his crib now. He has a temper, loves to play basketball, will only say uh-ohhh (and only after doing something he is not supposed to do) and has the best big, gruff, open mouthed laugh. He is always hungry and recently I have been moving clothes from Auggie's drawer right into his. He will pass him up someday soon. If I want to get anything done I just have to turn on the faucet in the bathroom and Bennett will brush his teeth over and over and reach his chubby little fingers into the cold water. If he isn't doing that he is terrorizing everything and everyone. We are all at his beck and call and line up for any hug or kiss he is giving out. He loves Em and Daddy most. I'm still trying to win him over.
Yesterday I got a little glimpse of my summer. This one ran all over the yard barefoot after the cat and got mad when he couldn't make a basket, Auggie needed to change from his shoes to his boots so he could be a farmer and Em only wanted to know if the neighbor girl could play. 
We were all smiles and sunshine and I can't wait to soak them up all day when the time comes.
Because they are growing and changing too, too fast. 


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