While Mommy is Away

While Mommy is away....Doug and the kids will have lots of fun without me. 
I went out of town on Friday to Hearts at Home 2.0-a conference for moms that want to gather, grow and go in the name of the Lord! This was my 4th year going and I am so thankful for the opportunity-not just to go but to go with some amazing women. (I will be blogging on lessons I want to remember soon). I am also thankful for a hubby who does it all and even takes pictures to make my momma heart not miss them.
I know it wasn't all fun and games while I was gone and all fingers point to this guy. I think he gave Doug a run for his money durning the night Friday (and most of the day Saturday). He is just hard right now....and might also be sick. He has been such a grouch for long enough that I am taking him to the doctor here in just a bit. Is it bad that I hope she doesn't just say "He is fine!" because that isn't going to help us in the Bad-Boy Little Bennett department. I hope we can figure something out that will bring back my happy-go-lucky B. 

But I do love this picture. That dimple and that little tongue. Em and Aug got ring pops when Scott and Deana came over to ask them to be in their wedding and somehow B got his hands on one. He knew he wasn't suppose to have it and the man who usually needs to have all the attention at all times played low for just a bit...hence the next picture. 
Just a boy and his sucker. Not going to deny the fact that the next time I need him out of hair for a second that I will maybe be giving him a sucker....
They did have fun with Daddy though. Friday night four Dads bravely watched 10 kids. I'm not even crazy enough to do that. Saturday they played, took a walk on the trec trail and even had the house picked up by the time I got home. Bless their hearts! 
I missed them and they missed me and I firmly believe that a little time apart makes the heart grow fonder and makes me a better mom and wife. So does my Hearts conference. Win-win.
Sunday we celebrated Douglas! If you see him out this week please comment on how old and wise he looks--he is the big 3-0! For his 30th birthday we got him 30 gifts. Nothing was over the top or expensive-just little things that we knew he would love. The kids and I scattered them all over the front room Sunday morning and I wish I would have gotten a picture of Doug when he walked out to his surprise. He really did look like a kid on Christmas. The kids had lots of fun bringing him gifts and helping him open all 30 (some were even things they like to do with him or things they made for him). We put three candles in cinnamon rolls and sang to him. I think Doug and I both will remember his 30th. It was just a sweet morning together. 
The rest of the day was spent taking Em to her bestie's birthday party, me driving grouchy B around in the car for an hour so he would nap and so Doug could get a nap (technically I got him 31 gifts), and celebrating a confirmation with family. We ended it with supper out, mostly so there were no dishes to do, and got ready for another week. 

Hoping everyone is ready for another week. The sun is shinning and I have sandals on--so bring it on!


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