18 Months and The Rest

How big is Bennett!?!
18 months old big to be exact. And we aren't sure when or how that happened. I joke that now we have to call him Toddler Bennett, even though Baby Bennett rolls of the tongue so much better. 

Bennett Lee is just a joy. That dimpled smile of his gets him everything he wants. So does his gruff fake laugh and silly personality. He loves Daddy the most. They have started a new routine of cuddling before bed every night and if when he gets hurt, it is Douglas who he runs to. Not me. 

He is our biggest eater-as in we make the same exact plates for all three kids and then end up passing down the plates of the older two for B to finish off. All he wants to do is play outside and follow the bigs around. We might be in trouble because he seems to want to do anything Auggie does. Auggie pee's on a tree-so does B. Auggie jumps off the couch-so does B. You get the idea. 

He also loves bath time and immediately takes off his shirt if anyone even goes into the bathroom. He doesn't want to miss out! He sleeps with a pink baby doll every night and is absolutely animal obsessed. 

He hates having to come inside or really just hates not being able to do what the big kids are doing. Other than that he is a happy go lucky guy.

Well he also hates talking. Still no words. 

He wears us out. Even if he rolls down the hill or falls of the couch, he just rubs his head, flashes his smile and keeps on going. 

Bennett Lee, B, Bubba--We love you so so much.
Besides celebrating Bennett being 18 months old, we have just been enjoying the spring weather and each other. I love where we live but I forgot how much I love it in the spring. It feels like we woke up one morning and everything was full, green and fragrant. Even my runs smell good. 
It almost feels like summer has started because any chance they get the kids are outside. I have to drag them in for supper just to have us rush back out again until bedtime. 
I kind of love it. 
Auggie Boy had a field trip this past week and then Doug took him out for a boy lunch. Steak-n-Shake for the win! Doug told me that as they were leaving Auggie remarked, "This was fun. Maybe we should do it again sometime." Douglas agreed. 
I got my own Auggie time this past weekend. Nana, Em, Aug and I ran to Champaign for the day to do some spring shopping. I don't remember the last time Auggie got to go on a day like this because...well... Auggie has always been awful on days like this. But all of a sudden he is a big kid. He will always be Auggie, and I might have said his name no less than 50 times while shopping, but he was a really good boy. Might have got an ice cream treat because of it. 
I keep telling Emery that she is practically in 1st grade (and then I cry a little about it). She has had the best year and my prayer is that she continues to have teachers who speak to her heart and skills and that she keeps finding friends (and is a friend) that do the same. 

For five years I have sworn that I would never take her into a Justice store. I might like a little glitter here and there....but I just can't do that level of gaudiness. But while we were walking past this store Em stopped in her tracks and her face lit up. "What's that store??" We had to go in...
She eyed this backpack (I can't blame her for liking gold glitter) and declared that it would be perfect for 1st grade. So now I guess she really is ready for the next grade. Slow down sister. 
We are hoping rain stays away so we can keep playing outside and we have some fun planned for the weekend. Enjoying spring and each other. Really that is the plan. 


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