Because He Lives!

For two weeks now I have been singing Easter hymns from my childhood in my head. This of course makes me think of my Grandma and my sweet sweet memories of Easter season with her. As my family and I made our own memories these past few weeks, I have felt her right there with us. With her gone, I have a new perspective on God's kept promise to us. Because he sent his son to die on the cross for my sins and because Jesus indeed did beat death, I will someday get to see her again! Because He lives, I will someday get to hear her voice sing those good ol' hymns again. And for that I am so thankful.
I am thankful for this cool chick right here too. Last weekend we celebrated Easter with Nana and in true Nana style she gifted them the perfect baskets. Sunglasses, water bottles and Reeses. They need nothing else. I am in love with this new water bottle situation because a. my kids have been drinking water like its going out of style-b. I am not washing 42 cups a day like I was--and c. they can get them for themselves. Meaning if this momma is sitting she can stay sitting. You momma's out there now what I am talking about. Thank you Nana for making my life easier and for knowing just how to make them smile!
This Easter was Doug and I's first time to host a Jansen holiday. I told everyone to just come in with low expectations and to pray for nice weather because Douglas and I aren't the greatest at getting stuff done. Some of that can be blamed on having three little kids. But lets be real, some of that can be blamed on us picking to do things we want to do over things we need to do. 

A few weekends ago we made the biggest to-do list ever and then decided that just that major feat was enough for one weekend. The next weekend we went to the zoo. Because zoo life is way more fun then work outside and clean the house life. That left this past week to get. stuff. done. 
And we did! 

One night this week the kids helped me stuff eggs for the egg hunt. Want to know whose candy they used? Their own. I used it as a lesson on sharing but really I just needed all of that chocolate out of my house/line of sight. Be gone temptation! 
We honestly tried to keep the kids away from the house as much as possible. This meant splitting up the work some evenings. My work-entertain the kids. Doug's work-leaves and mow. 
I would rather go to the park or on a walk any day over yard work so that was fine with me.
Also, when did my boys get so big?
The problem with Bennett is that he thinks he is really big. He is unstoppable and is such a monkey-see monkey-do. If you are wondering about what he is doing in this picture, your guess is correct. He thinks he is peeing on that tree. He saw big brother Aug does this one time and now if he sees a tree he raises his shirt up and gets close enough so he can press his bare belly right up to the tree. He is such a toy right now and we are all obsessed with him. Maybe that is why he is so strong-willed. He has never been told no!
 But my goodness does he bring joy into our lives. 
Saturday morning we headed to Grove bright and early. Kaci will know why the word early is emphasized. It was out annual Egg Coloring Day! I should have asked how many this has been.
I do know enough times for it to be classified as a tradition now. 
The crew. It keeps getting bigger. Auggie wanted nothing to do with the eggs, B just kind of hung out, and Em made some beautiful eggs. I always love catching up with my Pal and her family because honestly they are kind of like my own family by now. I am thankful for them and this tradition. After eggs I dropped the kids off at Grandma and Grandpa's. Sue kept telling me that she wanted to help us get ready for the big Easter Party. The best way to help me? Watch my kids! I came home and Douglas and I had everything on the list done by the afternoon! Thanks Susie and Sammy!

Looking back, I am so glad we didn't stress over everything being perfect. I am glad we had the fun when we did. (I am also glad that my spring yard work is all done and I have a clean garage that is ready for summer.)
Last year on Easter it snowed. I know this because that is the last family picture we took with Grandma and you can see the sparkling snow out her big windows. Easter Sunday this year was perfect. This year I am thankful for sister-in-laws that jump right in--whether it be with dishes or advice-they are there to help. I am thankful for cousins and the memories they are making together (and for the big cousins who are the best role models). I am thankful we could be outside the whole day (because that means my inside is still clean) and I am thankful that my ham turned out delicious because #firsttimer.
We played outside until dark and everyone went to bed a little dirty and a lot tired. 
Which can only mean that it was a really great day. 
Emery Kayt~almost 6
August Samuel~almost 4
and Bennett Lee~18 months
Easter 2019. I do love my little family in blue.
(Three kids later and I have learned to just have everyone wear blue for every holiday because chances are something blue in one closet will match something blue in another.)

I hope you had a lovely Easter. Or if you didn't I pray that you can find comfort in knowing that you are loved more than you will ever know by Jesus who died for you. That is a love I find hard to comprehend sometimes. 

And for the rest of spring I hope I continue to hear my Grandma's voice: "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. And life is worth the living just because He lives!"


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