Mid-Week Happenings

My title says "mid-week happenings" but after I wrote that I realized that nothing is really happening. We seem to be in that wonderful, waiting on full blown spring, lull. We go to school, we play outside, we make messes, we go to bed a little too late, and we wake up to do it all over again. I am in no way complaining. I love the ebb and flow of our life. Our busy seasons and our slow ones. Come next week we will be busy again. The month of May will rush in busy too but then sweet slow will be right around the corner.
These slow days give me a chance to really, really take in my littles. Instead of doing this or that, I find myself following B around the yard. This boy doesn't stop going and thinks he can keep right up with Em and Aug. He has tumbled down our hill chasing the stray cat more times than I can count and he knows no fear or boundry. This summer you will find us permentally outside because once he goes outside there is nooo coming back in. Not without an absolute, red-faced, snot-nosed melt-down. I told Doug we had to figure something out for times when I need to run inside to check on supper, run inside to do anything. A big yard baby gate is now being shipped from Target. Three babies later and I am purchasing my first one. All for you Baby B! So that is how I am going to solve some of my outside Bennett problems....but we have new inside ones too.
We found Bennett on the top bunk....
We have a straight up, not easy to do, ladder for the top bunk. Heck, Auggie still has trouble.
But the other night both big kids were playing on the top bunk and I guess Bennett was tired of being left out. Emery came running out to the kitchen and exclaimed that Bennett was on the top bunk! We thought no way but ran back to their room. Sure enough....there he was jumping on the top bunk with the biggest grin on his face. This kid! He is now banished from that room, the bathroom, our room and the laundry room. If he isn't careful this baby gate coming in the mail is going to be the only place he is allowed to roam. But who am I kidding, he is just going to crawl out of it too. 
Emery Kayt and I got to spend two weekends in a row having girl time. She is just getting so big but when I sneak in to make sure my babies are covered up at night she looks exactly like her baby self. There are so many things about her that remind me of me. She is the oldest, the only girl. She likes to dance and sing along with all the songs on the radio. She is the boss but also the first one to love on her brothers. She loves school and friends. She wants her nails painted just to go get them dirty outside. Sweet and stubborn. I see my own childhood in those words. But the other day I had to laugh when I was reminded of how different she is from me. Last Friday I took my students (I call them my big kids) over to Em's school to read and do an activity with the little kids. I of course had to peak in her room to say hi. As I looked around the room I noticed all of the cute little cubbies. All neat and tidy. All except one. One that was bursting with papers and color and even a stuffed unicorn. That cubby could only belong to one person. A Miss Emery Kayt. In that moment I was reminded of how unalike we are.  Clutter and chaos gives me anxiety and I imagine that she is going to thrive in it. I will want to change her. I mean I wanted to reach out and tidy up that cubby of hers right then. As she gets older I find myself discovering more and more reasons for why God gave her to me. She will be the one to change me. She already has. 
As I look at this picture of my middle child, I just have to shrug my shoulders and giggle a little. I realize I have been spending most of my time chasing my youngest or having girl time with my oldest. My middle guy, while happy as can be, hasn't gotten any special time. Is that the definition of being the middle child? The good thing is, he doesn't desire much from me. I need to let him wear the same farm clothes everyday, I need to be available to cuddle whenever he wants, I need to have patience. One of these is not like the other. Doug and I have learned that patience goes along way with Auggie and that there is usually a reason for what he is doing-right or wrong. The problem is figuring out his reason and staying patient until you do. Auggie is Auggie and my goodness we wouldn't want him any other way. I'm thinking it is time to spend a little special time with my middle. 
Since we have no happenings I guess this post turned into my mom-thoughts and little moments to remember. My brain is full of them and so is life right now. 

We plan to soak up the sun the rest of the week and have some fun planned for the weekend. 

I hope your plans involve those two things too. 


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