I Love the Fourth

I love swimming, summer cookouts and staying up late. I love coordinating outfits, extra family and friend time and watching my babies' faces when they see something new. I love it when it finally gets real hot and my pool water is forever warm. 
Therefore, I love the Fourth of July.
Starting Wednesday, we were in holiday mode and didn't stop going until bedtime on Sunday. It was a longggg weekend that I don't want to forget. So prepare for an overload of pictures!
My mom and I took the kids to the local beach one time last year. And one time was enough. Babies and beaches don't mix in my book. 18 months is much different than 8, so I had been wanting to try it out again because I not so secretly want to live at the beach. I was of course excited when a girlfriend texted that we should be brave and plan a beach day. 
Our group grew over the following days. Four moms and ten kids. Sounds like fun, right!?! 
You might thinki I am lying, but we really had the best time. The kids were happy, the moms were happy. We were there for almost four hours and even then the big kids didn't want to leave. 

In this season of life, these women (and the girlfriends missing from this picture) have become invaluable. From a word of advice, a shoulder to cry on, a needed hug (or babysitter hehe), a tear-inducing laugh, a heartfelt, just-a-text-away prayer.... the list goes on. They are so needed and so special. They have taught me countless lessons on love, patience, faith and friendship. And their babies. Don't even get me started. I would let them all come live with me in a second. I was reminded this weekend of just how great our God is and how much He loves us. Loves us enough to give us our people and do miraculous things with them. 
I sat and stared at this picture trying to figure out what I wanted to say.
"I just love them" is all I could think and even that doesn't do the feeling I have justice. 
That night Doug and I left the kids at home with Nana and headed for the lake. As much as I love taking them to Chuck's lake house, I admit that a childless night at the lake is the best (sorry kids). 
Chuck turned the big 3-0 on the 4th so we celebrated him a day early with food, friends, fireworks from the boat...and a flaming birthday cake. Ammon and I decided that sparklers for candles would be the best idea ever. Instead they made the cake taste like rotten ages and tinfoil. Didn't think that one through...would totally do again though.  
We woke up on the 4th with no plans until that evening. The kids had loved the beach so much that we decided to make it Beach Day Part 2. But with Daddy this time. And Daddy is way more fun than I am. Nana actually joined us too. We packed a picnic, found a million shells and brought most of the sand home with us. Another very successful beach day. 
These little beach days are what I hope Em, Aug and B remember. I can't wait to take them to the ocean someday. Someday. 
That night we had Nana and Sam and Sue over for a delicious (if I do say so myself) supper then headed to fireworks where we met up with more family and friends. All of that has kind of become a tradition for us. Auggie loved playing a pick-up game of baseball, Emery caught her first ever lightning bug and Bennett lost his shoes. I have always loved watching fireworks (thanks Dad), but now I love watching their faces even more. 
I love my little firecrackers (and my boys in matching clothes while Doug still lets me). 
Friday we took it easy. Played, got naps in, laundry. The usual. That evening it dawned on me that we had a completely free weekend ahead of us. Normally we have t-ball and at least something planned. Nope...a wide open weekend was in front of us. So at about 7:30pm we decided to book a little trip to the exciting city of Bloomington-Normal for some kid friendly fun. Impromptu fun is my favorite kind of fun and I have gotten pretty darn good at packing quickly and efficiently. 
Our criteria for the trip was two hours away or less (blame Bennett) and not busy with people celebrating the 4th. This took out our usual go-to, St. Louis. Anything I could think of would have been crazy packed or crazy hot. Both sounded awful. Instead we landed on the Children's Museum in Blo-No. We had never been and figured it wouldn't be busy. We also decided to stay right next door so we could walk back and forth (and walk to get yummy ice cream later). The rest of the trip was up in the air and we decided we would just do whatever we wanted to do. 
This Children's Museum was the cutest (and emptiest) thing ever. When we walked in, Doug and I looked at each other and both commented on how perfect our decision was. Emery Kayt, bless her heart, is always a good sport when it comes to doing what the boys want to do. Okay, really just what Auggie wants to do. She patiently played where he wanted to play before doing what she wanted to do. She loved climbing up this cool maze thing and of course the Art Floor. And because she was/is such a good big sister, she got to stay later than the boys and do crafts just with her Daddy...which in her mind cannot be topped. I'm glad they got this special time together. It is rare!
When I saw online that they had a farm exhibit I knew we had to go. So you can guess what Auggie's favorite part was. He liked the dress up part too (clearly has a big sister) and he shocked us by being brave and doing the whole maze/climby thing too. He would have never ever done that before, so I guess maybe he really is four now. 
Bennett Lee had this ornery smile the entire weekend. Everything is this one's favorite! We packed the stroller and he rode in it for about two seconds the whole weekend. We also didn't bring the pack-n-play because that would have been pointless. Sigh. I guess he is officially not a baby anymore. 
The museum (or library as Auggie kept calling it) really was perfect. They had so much for each one of them to enjoy and we will be going again!
After successful (still shocked it worked) naps for the boys and Em/Daddy time, we had to hit up the hotel pool. What is it about hotels that are so fun? Even I still get excited to stay in one. The kids became expert elevator riders (my husband taught them to jump up and down while riding) and I think they would gladly live in one forever. I don't blame them. Room service would very handy to have. 
For supper we made plans to meet up with my best pal and her family. I love it when seeing her works out, but as I left her I realized it really just makes me miss her more. We were four adults to six kids and probably looked like a circus. But an adorable circus. I think next time we will just order pizza and take it to their new house. Good seeing ya, Pal!
Supper ended up being fairly late but we did not rush back to the hotel for bed. Instead we walked around and got ice cream. There is no bedtime on vacation! We snuggled in, started a movie and crossed our fingers that everyone would sleep. Lights out at 11....and didn't hear a peep from anyone until 6. Chalking that up as a hotel-with-three-kids-in-a-bed win!
*How cute is B's little tongue?*
We woke up with no set plans for Sunday but when we saw the weather (it was beautiful) we decided to go to the little zoo in town. I didn't take many picture but I am so glad I captured this smile. This is B. Everything is so exciting to him. And in other exciting Bennett news, he used his first word!! He will repeat (or attempt to repeat with it sounding nothing like the word) anything now, but had yet to actually use any of his signs/words on his own. He signed and said Mmmah (more) all by himself this past weekend when wanting a snack and I will gladly give him all the snacks he wants if he keeps this up. Go B!
After the zoo we played at the park for a little bit before getting some lunch and blowing the kids' minds with their first ever cake shakes from Portillos. One large will in fact feed a family of five. After that we risked it (kids couldn't keep their eyes open) and visited an old co-worker of Doug's and his sweet little family. I was nervous because they have a newborn and I didn't know how my tired three would do (If I were Katie I would have been like who is this crazy woman bringing three little kids to see my newborn haha), but kids were good and I was very glad we visited. Plus I would never pass up newborn baby girl cuddles. 

We were a few blocks away when we heard the first snore...it was an easy ride home. On the way home, Doug looked at me and told me how glad he was that we decided to take this little trip (he might have thought I was crazy when I sprang it on him Friday night). And I might have been a little crazy, but I am so glad we went too. 
Once the 4th hits I always get this weird feeling that summer is almost over. 
I have to make myself not check the calendar or count the weeks. 
I see the phrase "You only get 18 summers with your kids" float around on facebook and I swipe it away as fast as I can. 

But with every fleeting summer I realize I get to make new sweet memories like this weekend. It was simple and easy but it was sweet as could be. As our kids grow and change, every summer will be different and I love that. I love remembering and I love day dreaming. And I love this life God has blessed me with. And I love the Fourth. 


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