Monday or Friday

The following pictures have not a thing to do with this blog post, but I couldn't just not show you......
how stinking grown-up and cute my big kids are. I don't think Em has ever taken a bad picture, but this year she just looks like such a big girl to me. Gone are those adorable chubby cheeks (and I miss them).  August Samuel rarely (and I mean rarely) looks at the camera or smiles imagine my surprise when he brought home this gem! I could stare at these all day. Looking forward to all the years of school pics to come....come on missing teeth and goofy grins!
And now for the recap. I actually had an extra long weekend because I took Friday off. Question: Would you rather have a Friday off or a Monday? I am very torn, but I will say I so enjoyed my Friday with my little people. We got donuts as a treat on the way to take Em to school, the boys and I hit up a few garage sales in the morning (where they talked me into toys we don't need and lots of books), and we couldn't wait to pick Em back up at noon. Emery spent the afternoon pretending to be her brothers' teacher, Auggie asked no less than 1,000 questions and B followed along, happy to be included. I loved this little lunch scene; its heaven on earth when the stars align and they are best buds all day. 
Friday night we went to a high school baseball game--T-town vs. St. A. Really we were there to cheer on our nephew, but it is hard not to cheer on the Bulldogs! After the game we headed to the Jansen's to celebrate Rube turning 8. My kiddos would live with Nora, Rube and Hannah if I would let them. Throw in Katie and they for real would never, ever leave. Jansen cousins are the best. 
Since I had Friday off and the kids actually got along, I had time to get all my laundry done (who am I kidding, laundry is never done), leaving me an entire weekend of freedom. Praise hands. We decided to check out the little fun day Ballard was having. It did not disappoint. It was simple and sweet and the perfect afternoon with each other. 
Bennett, three barrels back, was the highlight of the nature train. Best day of his life so far according to his smile. 
My favorite part was the nature scavenger hunt. Yes, the kids fought over who got to mark off what we found. And yes, Bennett really wanted to walk in the opposite direction and whined for the second half of the hunt. But it really was fun. I know I didn't just sell it right there, but it really was. 

After that sweaty adventure, B took a much needed nap while the rest of us watched Pocahontas and installed a new faucet in the kitchen (that I am in love with). We finished the night with baked potatoes loved by everyone except Em and a rousing game of Uno Attack. I won. Emery lost. She always loses. 
Douglas had a Jansen golf outing planned for Sunday, so the kids and I just messed around. They pretended to "cook" aka get out all of my bowls, spoons and all their little toys that I secretly want to throw away. I ate a lot of pretend soup and ice cream on Sunday. Late afternoon we packed up and headed to my brother's for supper with the fam. As always the food was yummy and the company fun. Austin gifted Auggie some of his antlers (gee thanks), and Aug now thinks he really needs a bow and arrow. I'll just add it to the pile of toys on top of the fridge that I have to take away from him. Wooden ball bats....plastic golf clubs...

I should have been ready to go back to work on Monday since I had had a three day weekend, but who wants a good weekend to end? Sometimes you just want both--Friday and Monday. 

I hope everyone who did have to get back to it yesterday had a good one.
Happy rest of the week!


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