Bennett Lee is Two Years Old

Bennett Lee. Bubba. B. 
Baby Bennett you are not a baby anymore.
You are TWO!
You were born on the most beautiful fall day right as the sun was coming up. I loved October skies before, but now every time this month rolls around I think of you and those October-sky blue eyes of yours. I swear your dimple has gotten bigger, right along with your personality. You are our sassiest child yet. Stubbornest child yet. And spoiled-est child yet (not a word but it still describes you)!
Your hand-me down selection is getting less and less as you grow to already be the size of Auggie. You are rough and tumble; you aren't afraid to tackle your big brother or sister to get what you want. You say goodbye by giving a hug, kiss and high five, and waving to absolute strangers is a hobby of yours.  
You are our wanderer, our comedic relief, our bottomless pit, our boss and our baby.
Most nights you sleep like a rock, even after giving up your paci (yay!). Other nights I wish I was a fly on your wall because we find you AND your mattress on the floor. 
You are a hard worker and that has been proven in speech therapy. You have come such a long way in six short months. You finally call me "Mama"  a hundred times a day which is my favorite thing in the whole world. You call  Daddy "Gaga" and attempt to say Auggie (when he makes you mad). Other than a strong "NO" you have created your own mix of signs and words to get your point across. But you always get your point across. We are going to be moving forward with more diagnoses and medical exams to help you with your speech. We love your voice and can't wait to hear more and more of it!
You love babydoll, getting your way, doing whatever Em and Aug do, coloring and cutting (yes I let my two year old have scissors), dogs, your big sister and Daddy. We love your silly faces, your sweet kisses and your sassy personality.
Your name means blessing and I always go back to that because a blessing is exactly what you are. 
We hope you feel all the love today.

Happy 2nd Birthday Bennett Lee!


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