Just Us~Week Two

Another "Just Us" week is in the books. I will admit that earlier in the week I was kind of in a funk. Looking back I was probably reading the news too much, and the weather had us feeling cooped up inside. 

And then there was spring. 
With warmer weather and little bit of sunshine (and a lot less phone checking for me), I  we all felt like new people later in the week. Wednesday evening we walked the trails at Ballard. Bennett was my walking partner and lets just say it was not a peaceful walk in the woods. The boy has found his voice and alllll the words. His vocabulary has exploded, and even though we a lot of the times do not know exactly what he is saying, he has lots and lots to say. This week he officially started calling me "Mommy" and Doug "Daddy". I know this doesn't sound like much, but I remember wondering to myself if I would ever hear those sweet names come out of his mouth. With all of this new talking I feel like I am getting to know and see who Bennett Lee really is. He has always had such a big, silly personality, but now he has the voice to go along with it. He has been the highlight of my week.
Just so I don't forget: There is no just agreeing with what he is saying. He makes us repeat what he says before moving on but half the time we don't know what he is saying. This leads to him just repeating himself louder and louder....which doesn't help us at all understand him. It can be frustrating but honestly is pretty comical most of the time. Along with Mommy and Daddy he can now say "Em-reee". Before she was always "En". He wants to "schwim" everyday and asks me if it has "warm up" yet. He also says "buy moooore" when we mention anything that we might be out of or that he thinks we need more of. He must say this 50 times a day and we all laugh every time. I just could eat him up right now. 
Auggie Boy had school this week with his fav teacher and classmates. They had a zoom call. You can imagine how crazy and entertaining it was ha! I loved watching his face light up every time he saw a classmate come online. Earlier that morning I set out some play clothes for him like our everyday in this new normal. When he saw them he said, "Oh wow! I get to wear play clothes to school today!?!" Poor boy thought he actually got to go to school. I am sad for him (and all of my students), but we are making the best of this time we have together. Really he and Em have had a blast with each other. They play outside, do puzzles, listen to lessons on the scholastic website, work on homework and make lots of big messes. It does make me feel better that they will have only good memories from this crazy time. 
Our weekends feel pretty normal minus not going anywhere or seeing anyone. We play, pick up, play and pick up some more. We snack, watch a movie, work on our big puzzle and at night we watch our new show, "Food Network Star Kids". We spiced up this weekend with haircuts! By yours truly. The boys were looking a little rough....
I am in no way a hairdresser, but I was pretty proud with my first client. Looks pretty cute to me!
At first Auggie did not trust me. He wanted Jackie and I don't blame him. But after he saw how I did on B...
He let me work my magic on him. I cut Doug's hair too, but he didn't really want a before and after. He looks pretty cute too, don't worry.
Our plan for this week is to get outside, maybe clean out a closet or two and start on some Easter crafts. And maybe finish our 2,000 piece puzzle. 

Continued prayers for everyone right now because everyone is being affected in one way or another. Special prayers for the sick battling this illness, the doctors and nurses putting their lives on the line, and our leaders making life altering decisions. 

I hope everyone has a good week. 


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