We've Been Keeping a Little Secret...

We've been keeping a little secret....
The littlest Baby Jansen, our sweet answered prayer, is due in October!
And we could not be more excited, thankful, and in love.

The bump is already here, and I am ready to just enjoy these next months. It has been so fun to have "big" kids during this pregnancy. I catch them daydreaming about whether or not baby is a girl or a boy, and I seem to be getting a few extra hugs a day just for the baby. Emery, Auggie and Bennett will be such big helps, and I would be lying if I said I didn't already daydream about them holding their newest best friend. 
This pregnancy is special and different for a few reasons.  
We plan for this to be our last baby (so cherishing every minute). We say we aren't going to find out the gender (a surprise sounds fun!). And this baby is an answered prayer after our miscarriage last fall. 

We are so thankful for this answered prayer, but we stand firm in the fact that God is not just good right now. He was so good to us in our loss and in our sadness. When I get nervous or feel fear creep in this pregnancy, I find so much comfort knowing I can look back and see His provisions. This past year renewed an excitement in me just to trust in His plan.

So that is our plan! To trust, to remember, to be excited, to be thankful and to already be head over heels in love with the Littlest Baby J.

And I just wanted to say as we celebrate our little blessing, we send our love to those struggling with infertility or experiencing loss. You are prayed for, you are loved and you are always on my heart. 
How I told Doug:
With Emery I surprised him with a book and a positive pregnancy test. With Auggie it was Em in a big sis onsie. With Bennett it was a shaky "You have to come see this..." haha. By now I know what it feels like to be pregnant and Douglas has picked up on the signs too. I took a test the day I got back from our Arizona trip. I was just so tired....sure enough! Doug didn't come home for another four days. He got back in the middle of the night, so in the morning I walked over to his side of the bed and just simple said, "I am glad you are home....I was tired of keeping my secret." His response was an eyes still closed, big smile on his face, "I knew it." I won't ever forget his face.

How we told the kids:
I went to the doctor for the first time at 10 weeks (never have I ever been so happy to see and hear that strong heart beat!). We decided to tell the kids that night with a scavenger hunt. It sent them everywhere; there was even a clue in the toilet! At the end there was a letter written from "Baby J". Em's mouth dropped open as she read it, Auggie pretended to faint, and Bennett was too worried about finding more "blues clues" as he called them. After we explained our news to B he was instantly worried that the baby was going to cry, said he would rock it and wanted it to sleep in his room. We talked about the baby for the rest of the night and Em sweetly added a healthy baby to our nightly prayer. In the morning while snuggling on the couch, Auggie told me that he hadn't slept all night. When I asked why his answer was, "I was too excited about the baby." I love that both of the big kids will remember this day and the day we bring the Littlest home. 

How we told our family:
In the past we have told our parents in person, but just called or sent a text to all of our siblings. It would be impossible to catch everyone at home or not busy. Unless of course there was a pandemic and you knew everyone was social distancing at home! We set out around 3pm on a rainy Saturday, stopped by 11 family members houses, knocked on doors, ran back into the yard, got strange looks from said family members, had the kids yell "We're having a baby!!", chatted from a distance, and got home around 8:30pm. It was such a fun day we will never forget.
This week we hit 16 weeks! My due date is October 27th, a day after Bennett's birthday. Baby is the size of an avocado, can sense light, and can hear our voices...which means my belly is getting talked to now. While the beginning of this pregnancy was the roughest I have had, I have absolutely nothing to complain about. It has been nice to be at home where comfy clothes and naps are always allowed. I started feeling tiny baby kicks around week 14, and I find myself sitting real still just to feel one of the most wonderful and amazing feelings there is. The kids can't wait to feel them too.  We have been bouncing names off of Em (she is very opinionated), discussing sleeping arrangements with the boys, and just wondering what life will have in-store with four!

Feeling very grateful and excited to finally share our secret!
Littlest Baby J, you are loved!


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