Feels A Little Like Summer

Last week felt a little like our old summers; this week has too. A few months ago I wasn't sure what our summer would look like, and I am very happy to be getting back into the groove of laid-back nothing days mixed in with a few special moments here and there. I know that quarantine was and still is very hard for many, but I do think our "Just Us" time slowed us down in a good way and made us more appreciative of a simple supper with friends or spending time with our family. 
Always gotta try and find that silver lining. 
Our everyday looks just like this: The kids and I have a wonderful routine of sleeping in till 8ish. Lately they can find me on the couch around then (thats where I keep ending up at night). Auggie or Em, depending on who comes out first, makes a bed out of the recliner; the other uses the love seat. Bennett always squeezes in next to me, gives me a morning kiss, and cuddles under my blanket. To be honest, I doze or stare at B's perfect profile while the kids watch a show or two. Eventually Em fixes herself and Auggie breakfast while Auggie brings Bennett a fruit and grain bar for his. I continue to cuddle B; he just gets crumbs on me. Getting dressed could take anywhere from 5 minutes to 25 minutes depending on the wrestling, mess making and giggling that takes place (the same thing happens at bedtime), and they are all three out the door by 9. I find some breakfast and some comfy clothes and either drink my coffee in peace and quiet or venture outside to watch them ride bikes in the road (but out there I have to share my coffee). The rest of the day for me is spent getting a few things done around the house, maybe some reading, maybe some doing absolutely nothing. Emery and Auggie take their lunch outside, rain or shine; Bennett usually eats with me. One thing for sure is that 5 minutes after stepping outside, he is barefoot and shirtless and remains this way until bedtime. They swing, play in the sand box and make mud pies, drag every toy into our yard (and the neighbors), color, get wet at the water table....if Bennett takes a nap the big kids might venture down to the creek and get lost for an hour or two.  Douglas peeks out once in awhile to say hi or help with something. (I am going to be sad when he goes back to the office.) We always end up eating supper late, but it isn't like they go hungry. Snacks are always had. Then its back outside until dark when we have to convince them to help pick up and wash off, so we can do it all again the next day. 

If summer was always just like this, I would be a happy Momma. 
We have been lucky to finally sprinkle in a few special days into our routine. Nana loves a Ballard Day just as much as we do, but she has not been able to really do much with us since quarantine started. Last week she finally got to go on a picnic with us....only to have it rain just as her homemade scavenger hunt got started. We still got to show her a few of our new secret spots, and I know we will go back soon....with the scavenger hunt of course. 
One of my favorite moments of last week was finally seeing sweet Ashley and Brayden (and their Mom and Dad). I saw these two right after they were born and have been waiting to love on them ever since. They are just proof that babies grow way too quickly. Those of you that follow my friend Sharon and see pictures of them....let me just tell you that they are somehow even cuter in person. Such little miracle, blessings these two are. 
My kids could not wait for Brady and Ashley to visit. They picked out toys for them and daydreamed about making them smile or laugh. I am fairly sure Bennett thought that our baby was coming to stay; he was very worried about the crib situation. After seeing these two and our friends Ammon and Troy's two this past week, I am pretty sure Bennett now thinks babies always come in twos. Emery fed Brady his bottle like the little mother hen she is, and I got a little glimpse of our future with four as Bennett and Auggie tried to help her. Poor Ashley was not a fan of her visit, but we would have kept her anyway if Shar would have let us. I was just so happy to see them, and now I need to be planning when I can see them again. 
We had a full weekend of fun in the sun. For the first time in over 10 weeks, we ate AT a restaurant. This is B's messy excited face. We all had one I am sure. I was worried my kids wouldn't remember how to act in public but they were actually angels--yay us!
After lunch we did a boat day with Chuck. I really need a boat, but I will definitely settle with a good friend that is happy to take us out on his family's. Lake Days have not always been relaxing with my kids, but this year we seem to have hit the sweet spot. 
A quick call to friends while we were at the lake turned into swimming, supper and a fire. This impromptu, come as you are get together really made it feel like summer, and I am ready for a million more. We missed our people and look forward to making more memories this summer and summers to come. 
Late Sunday morning Doug was ready to put the last boards on the deck. He had the kids sign a piece; they thought that was super cool. Our new deck has already become a favorite spot. Our pool just needs to heat up a bit and then this will officially be my new home for the summer. 
Sunday evening we went out to Grove for a Susie Supper. Again, the first time in over 10 weeks. My kids had really missed playing at Grandma and Grandpa's. Doug and I had missed these visits too. While he and I chatted with Grandma Angie the kids got a ride on the golf cart. After supper we ventured over to the farm where Auggie (and Bennett and Emery) rode in the tractor! The focus here is on Auggie because even though he is our little farmer, he has been scared to death to even get near a real tractor for a few years now. We would try to talk him into riding with Grandpa or Doug, but that usually induced a terrified cry attack from him. Sunday he hopped up in the cab like it was nothing and went for two rides. He says it is because he is almost 5 (don't remind me), and now he thinks the farm really needs his help. 
This week has been spent doing our normal routine plus a little more yard work in preparation for Aug's birthday party. (Power washing is my new favorite thing.) We had a visitor for about 24 hours, and I would keep her forever if I could; it is like having two Em's around. I have to laugh when I look at this picture....Emery looks so tired! She would never, ever admit it, but I think Katie wore her out!
We have just had lots of good days lately with more to come, and I am very thankful for that. 

Every night we pray as a family for the safety, health and happiness of everyone and that is my prayer for everyone right now and as we go into another weekend. May your days feel a little like summer. 


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