Summer Firsts

While we are trucking right on into July, I kind of feel like our real summer just started. Perhaps our week of "summer firsts" has something to do with that. 
When I wrote the words "Summer Firsts" my mind went straight to this smile. Even though he is going on three, everything we have done this past week feels like the first time with Bennett Lee. A simple outing to the park blew his little mind; every trip down the slide got a big belly laugh and ear to ear grin. The same can be said for creek exploring, trips to the pool and a guy night at mini golf. Everything is so fun with this one, and I can't wait to experience the rest of the summer through B's eyes. 
We are not at all new to Ballard this year (really this place has been a saving grace), but we did discover even more new places last week. Nana joined us for an impromptu picnic and then we climbed down to our very own sandy beach and creek to explore. We saw lots of tadpoles, two snakes and made leaf boats for the frogs and fish. You then should have seen this quite pregnant lady and her mother try to get back up the hill...
Friday was one of our favorite days so far this summer. The Newton Pool officially opened! We took Katie to keep Emery company; they went down the slide and did big girl things while the boys and I chilled in the shallow. The Newton Pool really is the best kid spot in the summer, and I seem to have hit a sweet spot this summer when it comes to my three fish. They were happy and easy and we just really enjoyed ourselves. 
It also didn't hurt that I got to love on these little fish and chat with their Momma. What is crazy is that in no time they will be swimming after my kiddos. They grow every time I see them!
Friday night was a Girl Night and a Boy Night. Pretty sure I am the lucky one and had a much more relaxing evening hehe. 
Em and I had a nice supper at Joe's in Newton (it was nice to talk to my big girl without interruptions) and then joined my Dad, Avery, Jordon and Paisley at the drive-in. The Wizard of Oz was playing, which is a movie that is near and dear to my (and my Dad's) heart. It was Em's first time seeing it and she has decided its her second favorite movie. Now I just want to watch all the classics and my childhood favorites with her. 
Aren't my boys handsome??
If you couldn't tell by Auggie's pose in the above picture, the boys went mini golfing. The were pumped.
Aug isn't half bad and it sounded like he did a good job. 
This one though...Doug said B yelled "Not fair!" and started all over if he didn't hit it far the first time. Then I think he fake (or real..who knows) cried the last half when it didn't go in the hole with the first try. High expectations and zero skill...sounds like a fun night to me! Doug said they actually had a blast and want to go again soon. 
Saturday Auggie had his first t-ball game. This boy takes his ball very serious and was the best hustler on the field. He hit a good one his second at bat and smiled at the fans his whole way to first. I also vote him the cutest on the field. 
Sunday was another Newton Pool day. We added Daddy and Nana for the day which made for even more fun and relaxation. Bennett would jump in a million times if we let him, Auggie is getting braver every time we go (remember the great meltdown of swim lessons 2020...) and Em bounces back and forth from the diving board to the slide with zero fear. Pool days really are our favorite days. 
To round out the summer firsts, Em started a brand new adventure. She is the newest member of a swim team and has maybe even found her "thing". The girl just loves swimming so much and really has become a very strong swimmer in a short amount of time. This team is not doing competitions this year (fine by us), just open swim with coaches all week. Whatever mornings work in our schedule, she gets to swim and learn along other kids around her age; she of course wants to go every single day. I love that she loves it (and might be a little jealous...I would have loved to have had this experience when I was her age). I also love her bravery. Doug and I were a nervous mess dropping her off on day one and she acted like it was nothing; she keeps surprising us with the big kid she is becoming. 

She was suppose to have her first ball game tonight but the rain had other plans. Instead it has been a day of legos and rough housing which sometimes you just need to have. I am kind of in denial that July is here already, but we have more firsts for the family (hellooo little vacation) coming right up. 

Here's to more Summer Firsts!


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