A Baby Shower, Back to School, and 30 Weeks!

The last few days have had it all: a sweet baby shower celebrating my new niece on the way, all the back to school activities and hitting the 30 weeks mark with Littlest....no wonder I am tired. But I have praises to go along with each one of these events, and I don't want to forget any of it. 
Sunday kicked it off; we celebrated Baby Girl H (who I am so excited to meet)! It won't be long now until she is here....I just want to know what her name is going to be. I love party prep and decorating--so does my mother. That might be why DeeDee and Baby Girl had a 10 foot balloon garland front and center. It was fun to get to love on DeeDee, Austin and Alayna and see some of the other special women in my life. I am so thankful that Baby Girl and DeeDee are healthy, and I continue to pray for Austin's little family as it grows. DeeDee's shower also made me wish (for a second) that I knew what my baby is. I have the urge to shop for cute things! Instead this baby will only have pumpkin themed clothes; pumpkins are gender neutral. 
The end of last week officially marked B's return to the baby-sitters. The boy was pumped. I thought he might be sad that the other two aren't going, but this kid has no time to be sad; he has new friends to play with. Thank goodness. I love asking him all the things when I pick him up. What was for lunch? Who did you play with? Where did you nap? Half the time it is a guessing game as to what he is saying, but his voice will always be sweet music to my ears. Now if the baby-sitter could only potty train him.....
The back to school prep started last week with a trip to the dentist for Em and Aug. I have mentioned it here and there, but we are newly struggling with Auggie and anxiety around new things. To be honest I was dreading taking him to the dentist. I tried to prep him as best I could--we talked about how fun it would be, we even watched youtube videos of kids going to the dentist. Instead of being reassured, he woke up through the night and said he couldn't sleep because of "those dentist videos". So much for me thinking I was doing the right thing. The night before his dentist appointment I prayed that God would somehow, someway get Auggie through the day. First thing the next morning the dentist office called; they wanted to know if we could go ahead and bring Emery too to get her appointment out of the way. I couldn't believe my ears. Emery being able to go with Auggie meant another layer of security and she could go first. Douglas took them and was happy to report zero tears and zero meltdowns. It might sound silly, but that was without a doubt an answered prayer. It was just the reminder I needed too. God cares about the little things. My goodness there are some big things going on right now....but He still cares so much about our little things. 

Oh. And zero cavities! 
I got to take the big kids to their Back to School night last week. Look at these cuties all big and stuff. Both kids have the best teachers and classmates this year. (Just another reason I am praying for this school year to be as normal as can be). 
And as we were leaving we found the other Jansen girl! We have a picture of them sitting on this same bench from when they were little tiny 3 year old pre-schoolers. I love-love-love that they are still the best of friends. Watch out 2nd grade!
Tuesday morning was THE morning. Our first day of school.
Kindergarten for Auggie. 2nd grade for Emery. Year 10 for me. 
Emery loves math the most (she will be better than I am) and Art is her favorite special. Her favorite lunch at school is Biscuits and Gravy or Chicken Noodle Soup. At recess she likes to play "Horses" and someday she wants to be someone that helps people like a teacher or a doctor...and then added she does not want to be a dentist. 
When I asked Auggie what he liked to learn about the most he said tractors. So far his favorite things about school are recess and chocolate milk. Someday he wants to be a farmer....or work at Wal-Mart. 
Go for it Auggie Boy!
We had the sweetest morning at home. Everyone was up and excited. We had a breakfast of cinnamon rolls and were out the door early. And then....

Auggie panicked. I tried for ten minutes to get him calmed down and out of the car. That didn't work. So we dropped Em off and headed to my school....a girls gotta teach when a girls gotta teach. On the way to my school, I called Doug (crying) and then he was on his way to help. Aug would then not get out of the car at my school. I did the only logical thing I knew to do....I left him in the van and went inside. You read that right. Typing this now I am laughing at that decision...I was not laughing then. To make a long story short, Doug got him to class thanks to a friendly principal and the sweetest kindergarten teacher. I was a nervous wreck all day; surly they wouldn't let him cry all day...he must be doing okay. When I picked them up I was happy to see Emery and Auggie standing hand in hand with huge smiles on their faces (even under their masks I could tell they were smiling). When I asked Auggie if he wanted to go back to Kindergarten his answer was "Of course!". I am happy to report he walked in today like some cool confident kindergartener that had done it a million times. He told his teacher that he had a great day yesterday "minus my fit in the morning", and I had to wait on him to tell friends bye before we could leave. 
This boy. 
My new prayer is for guidance when it comes to him. This was Aug after the first day of school....I felt the same way!
This week also marked 30 weeks for me and Baby J! Heres to 10 weeks or less....which makes me want to start doing all the baby things. People ask me all day everyday how I feel, and my only real answer is "round". I think I have pregnancy insomnia plus I can't get comfortable, so I am a weird mix of very tired and very awake. I have had touches of heartburn, a little swelling and a few Braxton hicks---none of which are really things I should complain about. I love every kick and roll and will be sad when they are gone....but man I am getting anxious to meet this little one!
Here He or She is! We all see Bennett...do you?

Baby J's head is measuring 33 weeks and body is measuring 30--so definitely ours. Baby is breech and all sorts of uncomfortable, but I know there is plenty of time to make the move. He or she pouted on the ultrasound, already has some hair and the most kissable cheeks....and is getting close to having name options....

Today was a good day and I am thankful for that. Looking forward to the rest of our week and then maybe a chill weekend...we aren't used to being busy! 



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