Weekends and the Rest

It has been quiet over here, but that does not mean we haven't been busy busy busy. The past three weeks have flown by. School, cheer, tumble and piano...sometimes Doug and I need more hours in a day. But the weekends....the weekends we slow down (ish). We at least find some fun and enjoy each other and some of our favorite people. 
Once this cooler weather hit (and it is glorious isn't it), my friends and I knew we needed an outside movie night. I love that its a wear comfy clothes, bring some snacks and don't worry about messes kind of deal when we get together. The kids love these nights. Emery and Hank sit with their eyes glued to the screen; the others come and go. The adults...we just sit back and relax. I hope we can fit in a few more of these before it gets too cold. 
Avery, Jordon and Paisley officially moved to Newton, and my big two were invited for their first playdate there a few weekends ago. Jordon was good about sending me pictures and videos; my favorite one was Avery riding his bike along with his other little bike gang members. He really is just a kid. I am happy to have them close (and proud of them), and my kids want to play every weekend now. This time Avery and Jordon say they want Bennett too....they might regret that decision. 
The biggest (and cutest) news of the last three weeks: I have a new niece!! Everyone say hi to Kate Marie Hunsaker. She was born on September 9th, has a head full of sandy blonde hair, looks just like her Daddy and has won us all over from afar. I am dying to get to hold her (dumb dumb covid), but in the mean time I look forward to my daily pictures from DeeDee. Congrats Hunsakers! We love her so much!
While Kate might be my newest and first niece on the Hunsaker side, I have been happily doing this Aunt gig for quite some time now. I love being apart of the big Jansen family; I love that my kids have built-in best friends. So when we get to in-promptly have a few extras over for supper and fun, Doug and I gladly say yes. We had Terry and Kim's crew over for Mexican the other night, and I am pretty sure the neighbors could have heard their giggling. Music to this Momma's ears. 
The best part of my day is picking up Em and Aug from school. I love hearing all about their days (Em shares little, Auggie shares lots). Friday pick-ups are even more special...especially when this preggo has an ice cream craving. We decided that ice cream tastes extra yummy after wearing a mask all day. They asked if we could get ice cream every Friday after school....I told them that as long as I am pregnant I could probably be talked into it!
Bennett Lee had his own special day last week. He got to go to "school" aka preschool screening due to his speech delay. While he talks non-stop (and I can't get enough of it), articulation is a big problem, so it is time to figure out what our next step will be once he turns 3. I so wish I could have been a fly on the wall during his screening; he was so excited to go (and so darn cute..note the ketchup on the tips of his hair haha). He rocked everything (minus articulation), and we are starting to work on what he needs come the end of October. He also gets to start in-person speech again with his favorite speech pathologist, Miss Theresa. Big things in the future for B! 
All of that takes us to this past weekend. Friday evening the weather was too nice not to make a fire. With that we decided supper should be hotdogs over the fire and s'mores. Delicious and no dishes. I swear Doug and I got more thank you's and hugs from the kids Friday night then we do on Christmas or birthdays. They were so excited. They ran around with flashlights until past bedtime--Bennett in a coat, t-shirt, sandals and underwear...who needs pants. It was just a simple and sweet night that I hope they remember.
Saturday Douglas and I headed to St. Louis for a day date/shopping spree for last minute baby things. We bought a new (much needed) recliner, lots of diapers, birthday toys for Bennett and then randomly decided to get a Costco membership and bought lots of fun things there. I honestly cannot remember the last time it was just me and my guy. With a quiet car we got to imagine what life will be like once littlest is here and even made final decisions on names. We are ready!
While we were in St. Louis, Sam and Sue watched the kids. This picture is actually from a few weeks ago when they ran around on the farm for the afternoon. All three think we need a Dalmatian (and cows and tractors and a "side-side-side" according to B.) All three were snoring before we got home Saturday night....Grandpa and Grandma's house is exhausting.
Sunday we cleared out and decorated the baby room; it had become a catch-all. I am so happy to say that it is officially Baby J ready! If Baby is a boy it will stay just like this, and if Baby is a girl I have some pink ready to add. Either way Baby will have bedding made by my Grandma and little trinkets that have decorated all of my babies' rooms. And we got this sweet room done just in time...I am 35 weeks today which means we could be 35 days away from meeting our littlest! Cannot wait.

When I told Emery that baby could be 35 days away her mouth dropped open. Even she feels the rush of the days going past. But they are good and full, and I wouldn't want them any other way right now.

Here is to a good rest of the week and a happy happy weekend for all!



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