To Our Sweet Littlest
Just two weeks. Just 14 days.
Thats how long we have before we meet you sweet Littlest.
Thats how long we have before our family of five becomes a family of six.
Thats how long we have until we are forever changed for good.
And I'm not sure we can wait that long.
Auggie once asked how you got into my belly. My answer was simple: Mommy and Daddy prayed very hard to God that he would bless us with you. And now you are almost here. Our little answered prayer. You will always be our reminder of God’s provisions through hard times; a reminder of His great plan. And of the sweet one that came before you.
We can all feel how special you are.
Emery thinks you are a girl with brown her just like her. And of course blue eyes. She can't wait to hold you and help feed you. Next to me, I bet your big sis will hold you the most. Someday she wants to teach you how to do cart wheels. She has always been the best big sis with the biggest heart for her younger siblings. You will always have her.
Auggie thinks you are a boy that looks just like him. He thinks someone else in the family should have "yellow" hair too. He wants to play with you and help me and can't wait to someday teach you how to play basketball and baseball. He will make you laugh and teach you to be ornery. I will be a lucky momma if you are just like him.
Bennett thinks you are a boy. I would be lying if I didn't secretly hope that you have his same big dimple. Bennett has been the baby and has the spoiled, bigger than life personality to go along with it. His life is about to change big time. But he loves babies and already loves you; he asks if you are here yet all the time.
No matter what. Boy or Girl. You are going to be the perfect fit with these three. As anxious as I am to meet you, I am just as anxious to see these three see you for the first time.
We promise to love you, make you laugh, spoil you, teach you and then love on you some more.
Two weeks. 14 Days.
I am going to cherish them...just me and you.
And then a life time of all of us. Our sweet Littlest.
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