In Summary

Thanksgiving has come and gone, Theo is six weeks old, Christmas pjs are back in rotation and I am officially outnumbered during the day with all three boys at home. 
In summary: Life is crazy and life is good. 
Life is crazy. My head is foggy from lack of sleep and the running to-do list it contains. Laundry, pumping, dishes, toys. Its all on repeat everyday. Add in the extra holiday hustle and I feel like I do a thousand things in a day but cross nothing off the list. But... life is really good too. We are healthy and so are our loved ones. I get a front row seat everyday to sweet moments between my four. Heck...the fact that I even have these four. 

In summary: The craziness comes with the good. They go hand in hand. I am allowed to be tired and a little stressed while rocking my baby and feeling blessed. 
Thanksgiving 2020 was different but really in the end it was a good different. We had three mini Thanksgivings. Thanksgiving morning we headed out to Grove for breakfast with Grandpa and Grandma. If you need a yummy breakfast casserole recipe, call Susie. If you need a yummy stuffed french toast recipe, call me. It was a sweet morning with Sue and Sam and I know they enjoyed it as much as we did.
That evening Nana came in for some noodles (thanks Aunt Linda) and turkey, and we drove around to see Christmas lights for the first time this season. We really really missed all the Jansens, but the day ended up being a great one.
These two tiny turkeys got to see each other over the weekend for Thanksgiving with Austin and Avery. I swear we all outdid ourselves with the food this year. Also three words for ya: homemade honey butter. I am brining it to every family function from here on out. This picture is proof that Theo is my forth and a boy...Kate Marie is looking all cute, and Theo went to Thanksgiving in the pjs he had on the night before. Perfectly sums up motherhood for me.
Our last Thanksgiving was with Dad and Grandpa. Again, food was yum (Jordon's peanut butter pie wins). This was also the first time my Grandpa got to meet Theodore. My heart explodes when I see this picture, and I can't help but hear my Grandma's voice calling Theo a "babydoll". I miss her all year, but new babies plus the holidays have her really on my mind right now. Em, Paisley and Alayna had the best time because Doug and I left Aug and B at home with Nana. Quarantine finally hit our house and Auggie is the first to experience it. He doesn't think it is so bad if Nana brings over happy meals and lets you watch the Grinch. Bennett stayed home too...half because he has a runny nose and half because sometimes I need a break from his loud talking (which is such a blessing...and a curse haha). 

In Summary: We have so much to be thankful for and sometimes we need a special day or two or three to remind us of this.  
Last Monday Bennett joined Theo and I at home because of our babysitter being sick. He tinkers and talks all day long. Thursday Auggie joined the party. My quiet and clean maternity leave changed over night. Legos and magnatiles have been a saving grace. Today I put a tent in their room and can hear them hunting imaginary bears. Whatever it takes. Auggie and Bennett are either going to be completely sick of each other after this or the best of friends. Jury is still out. 
This little boy would like to sleep all day, preferably being held. Last week I let the hustle and bustle get to me and honestly took holding him as a chore (keeping me from all my others). This week I'm cutting down the to-do list and soaking him up. Or at least finding a better balance between the two.

In summary: My house is going to be messy, we are going to be in pjs, but we are going to be happy. 
This past Sunday we celebrated my Goddaughter's baptism. You read that Goddaughter! What an honor! The little intimate ceremony after church was perfect and so was she. I am so excited to play a special part in this little girls life. Having her also means I still get to buy bows, so all is well with my soul.

In summary: Being an Aunt is the very best.  
Doug and I again just had these two (thanks D for entertaining the boys). We have determined that two kids is a breeze (which makes me laugh because I recall crying and swearing I was never going into public when I just had two). Maybe its really that these two are easy...especially together. Theodore has fallen in love with Emery. I swear he thinks she is his mom. He melts into her as she sways and bounces just like the true little mother she is. I can't get enough of their love. 

In summary: If you are going to have a newborn, make sure you have a sweet seven year old around too.
Christmas now feels just around the corner. Our trees have been up for a month already and seeing my babes in matching festive jammies has me extra excited to celebrate this special time of year with them. Em needs to practice "Up on the House Top" a few more times before her first piano recital, Auggie needs to realize he can't ask for every nerf gun ever made, Bennett needs to think of more to ask for than just "baby toys for Peo" and Baby Theo needs to sleep through the night (thats what I'm asking Santa for!).

Its a new week with plenty of time to work on all of this.

In summary: Happy Monday. Praying for a wonderful week!


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