Our Christmas || 2020

No big Jansen party. No Christmas Eve church service. No Pjs and Pancakes with friends. 
When I write down what was missing this Christmas, it sounds pretty sad. 
But if I write down all that it did have, things like extra family of six time, lazy mornings, big fun messes, and new traditions, it sounds extra sweet and like one to remember. 
While it was definetly different, Christmas 2020 was really, really good. 
Our celebrations started the weekend before Christmas with my Dad and Grandpa. Austin has turned into quite the family man and offered to host and smoke something for supper. Um...yes please. DeeDee had the fun idea of finding a Santa to stop by. This picture might not look like much, but it cracks me up every time I look at it. Santa knocked on the door and started to enter...and Bennett Lee high-tailed it out of there ha! He eventually told Santa what he wanted from afar. Auggie did the same; the girls were brave and sat on his lap.
Theo was also not a fan. 

The rest of the night was spent laughing at old stories (my fav thing to do with Dad and Ave) and the kids opening presents. We went from a zero dinosaur house to Jurassic Park real fast,  and I am not mad about it. Our family also celebrated some exciting news....my brother Avery is engaged to the absolute sweetest person. Jordon and Paisley have already made Avery so happy which in turns makes this protective big sister happy. Two babies and an engagement in 2020....my little family has a lot to be thankful for. 
While Em got to have her Christmas piano recital, my niece Nora did not. My sister-in-law Kim had the fun idea to do a mini-Jansen recital at the EPC which turned into a full-blown Christmas concert. I have not talked to anyone else, but this is going to have to be an every year thing from now on. Nick emceed, Em and Nora played the piano, there was a boys choir with Bennett Lee shaking his booty to Jingle Bells, a sweet girls choir and a big finish with all. Grandparents were the VIP guests and it was just that little bit of holiday fun we all needed. Bravo kiddos!
Our Christmas Eve traditions are some of my fav. In the morning we like to host Pjs and Pancakes with a few of our friends. In the afternoon we get all dressed up to attend 4:30 mass, and then we cook a "fancy" meal, open one present that is always a game to play that evening and finish the night by getting ready for Santa. This year instead of Pjs and Pancakes to kick the day off, Emery got a strep test followed by the ever lovely Covid test. Merry Christmas Em! Her symptoms as of the night before included being tired (very unlike her) and having a little bit of a sore throat; we wanted to error on the safe side so to the doctor she went. Her results were suppose to be back in 24 hours so that meant a Christmas Eve at home. While we were sad to miss friends and very sad to miss church on Christmas, our day really was a good one. We prepped supper, watched Christmas movies, Doug and B even took a nap together. We had some very exited littles that night...I personally think the preparation and anticipation of Santa is even more fun then the morning. But then again...sitting on the couch wrapped up in a blanket and seeing the above picture as my view is pretty special too. 
We had big smiles Christmas morning. I loved that there was even a little snow on the ground. Everyone got what they wanted. The only thing on Em's list was a "Squish mellow" and boy did Santa deliver. This thing is almost comical, but we all love it. Aug wanted nerf guns. He is the boy that wants it all and when he gets it all it still isn't good enough. Christmas night as we went to bed he sweetly announced that he got everything he ever wanted. You are welcome Auggie Boy. Bennett told me that the Pez in his stocking was his favorite toy. He was the most fun this holiday season. Everything was new and exciting. Who knows, the Pez probably was his favorite thing. 
We watched our phones all morning waiting on the doctor to call us with Emery's results. By then she was feeling back to her old self, and we were hopeful we could still host my Mom's party that evening. We waited...and waited...the rest of the fam came up with plan B even....and then we got the call. Negative! I think those results made the day even more exciting because we knew we could actually get together. My kids have been so blessed with Jansen cousins their whole lives. Cousins are truly the best built in life long friends. So of course my heart skips a little beat when I see this Hunsaker crew. I know my Mom and Dad love it too! In usual Nana fashion, she spoiled all of us; my basement is still a mess to prove it. 
All in all, our Christmas Day was one to remember!
The very biggest heartbreak of this holiday was no big Jansen party. We love Sam and Sue's Christmas party. It is usually the one day a year that we get to see everyone. Instead of one big get together, I think Sam and Sue have had lots of mini Christmases. We went out to Grove for supper along with Terry and Kim's. On the bright side Grandma and Grandpa actually got to see everyone open their presents...usually it is a mad house! I know Douglas misses his family and vice versa...I hope there is a big big Jansen event in our non-covid future!
The rest of the Christmas weekend was spent at home playing. I slowly found homes for our new toys (my favorite part) while Legos were built, bracelets were made and hot wheels were raced. Who else votes for Christmas to always be on a Friday? I felt like it gave us so much time together.

I read somewhere that as an adult, you realize that all the Christmas magic your felt as a kid was really just your parents who loved you very much. That struck me as so true. Doug and I both get to talking about our childhood Christmases this time of year, and we both have such fond memories. Neither of us remember a single toy or gift received....but we remember the candle-lit church services, the big family parties, leaving a coke out for Santa (aka Sam), coming down Christmas morning to presents under the tree and Grandma and Grandpa there to watch. We remember this and so much more. And we remember all of this because we were loved. 

And isn't that what Christmas is all about. Love. 
Emery loved hanging out just us and writing the reindeer food recipe (resupy in Em spelling).
This Christmas I love her heart for others and the fact that she asks for nothing. She would be just fine opening up presents last and is happy just to be together. Her happiness comes from experiences, and Doug and I hope we can give her some fun ones again soon. 
Auggie loved making Santa cookies and driving around to look at lights. This Christmas I love his positive attitude and thankful heart. Doug and I were just talking about how good he was this Christmas. In all of his excitement, he was also pretty darn patient and very thankful. I think our little five year old might be growing up.Bennett Lee loved it all this year. I loved his infectious excitement and over the top joy. Three can be such a hard age but at the same time is one of the most fun. I loved seeing Christmas through his eyes...I also loved it when he agreed to nap.
And we all loved Theodore this Christmas. Truly our greatest gift.  I can't wait until he is one at Christmas time...then two...then three. Every year brings new fun and new memories. I love it all so much.

So that was our Christmas. It was different and wonderful all at the same time.
I hope yours was too. 


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