Theodore Douglas || Two Months
Theodore, you are two months old today! All of a sudden I feel that newborn-ness slipping away. Its bittersweet really. I find myself so eager to know who you are and how you fit, and yet I would like to keep you just like this forever. You with your little rooster-mohawk, big big blue eyes, squishy belly and snorty sounds. As our littlest baby, everything we do is a last. I just put newborn clothes away for the last time. I will never again have a tiny newborn swaddled in a bassinet beside my bed. But it also means I get to do so much fun stuff again for the first time. You smiled your first smile this month, babbled your first sounds, slept in your own bed and fell in love with me. Each month brings so much to look forward to.
One of the best parts of motherhood is witnessing the love between siblings. And you are loved. Auggie and Bennett talk as loud as they can right in your face. I swear they only do it after we have just gotten you asleep. They rush to get whatever you need and have mastered putting in your paci. Bennett calls you Peo and so do the rest of us; don't be surprised if that is still your nickname some day. Emery Kayt is like your second mother. She doesn't even let me sit the carseat down before trying to get you out. She bounces you and kisses on you and you just soak it up. They have witnessed a few smiles (the first ones going to Daddy...I think all Dads get the first smiles), and I can't wait to see you interact more with them this next month. One thing you can be certain of Theo, you will never be without entertainment. Or love.
You are not necessarily our easiest baby, but you also aren't hard. You would like to be napping all day, but you are also very particular about where. Ideally I am holding you. Your next pick would be on your belly on the couch (I know, I know...babies are suppose to be on their backs). You fight your morning nap...until it is the afternoon and then you might sleep the rest of the day away. At night we have a good system going. Down by 9, up anywhere from 1 to 3 and probably up one more time after that. (Your Daddy and I have a good system going too #teamwork). A few weeks ago if you weren't asleep you were mad; the end of this month brought a happier Theodore, and we can't wait to see more. You like 4oz bottles every three hours on the dot (shout out to myself for pumping those), you like a paci, you like it when Daddy holds you in a little ball with your head on his chest, you like your butt pat, you like Emery and you like me. You hate riding in the car. Hate isn't even a strong enough word. We are going to have to work on of a forth child means you are going places kid.
You weigh 13lbs 3oz and are 23 inches long. Bennett was 12lbs, Auggie was 11lbs 5 oz and Emery was 11lbs 9oz. You win for biggest baby. Your eyes are big and blue, you have blonde hair and the sweetest blonde eyelashes. Lots of family think you look like baby Emery, and I would agree.'s to hoping you act just like her. Theodore I don't know how you are two months old already. I imagine I am going to say this every month and year of your life. My baby, all grown up.
Love ya Theo D.
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