Theodore Douglas || Three Months Old
Theo Baby you are three months old. You read that right, three months. This month we have some how all fallen even more in love with you. You squeak and we all run to your side. We fight over who got the most smiles that day or who can bounce you the best. You have brought out a love in all of us that I didn't know we were capable of.My favorite thing this month is your smile. My goodness your smile is cute. We can see it coming. The right side of your lips start to twitch as though you are trying to hold it in, but you just can't help it. You open your whole mouth with excitement. Your face is pure joy. I swear you are going to giggle any minute too. Then we will all fight over who can get you to laugh. I will say I think Daddy gets the best smiles although Auggie swears he gets the most.
This month you went to the babysitter for the first time. I was so worried about this. No offense, but up until now I would say you have been our hardest baby. This month you decided to change your cranky ways and have become so content and sweet. You like to be held, but I don't think anyone really minds that. You are too squishy and cuddly to mind. Daddy holds you the best and you just melt into his chest. A man with a baby is again my favorite sight.
We can't complain about sleep with you. You still get your way most of the time and nap on your belly. At night you sleep from 8 until about 4 or 5, have a bottle, and then go back to sleep. I think Sharon's wears you out because your ideal evening would be to nap from 5pm to bedtime...but we want to see that cute face! You let us know when you are starving and drink 5oz every 3 or 4 hours (shout out to me again for those bottles). You love your paci, your piano play mat and attention. Probably the attention most. We will all give you whatever you want sweet boy.
You are chubby and your three month clothes are tight. Your eyes are great big and blue and you still have an old man blonde mohawk. Your double chin and droopy cheeks are the most kissable things ever and I crave those sweet cuddles by the end of the day.
Theo you really are the best thing to come out of 2020 (thanks Aunt Vicki for the shirt).
Love ya Peo Baby (and no the P is not a typo).
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