Fitting in the Fun

 This time of year is always busy, but it's a fun busy. We have been trying are hardest to find the sweet spot between busy with the to-do list and busy with fun. Always gotta fit in the fun. 

The warmer weather and green everything has had these three outside as much as they can be. Bennett begs to play in the creek (wreek) all day everyday, and usually the sight out my kitchen window is a swing set full of these guys plus a few neighborhood kids. Frogs have been caught, bird eggs have been found and fingernails and toes have had to go to bed dirty because I really have a hard time telling them its time to come in. 

We barely fit in homework and showers. And you know I don't fit in the laundry. But the following smiles are worth it.

Summer is so close. Then we can bathe in the pool and stay out even later. 

Last weekend we had the Jansen girls join us after soccer. How is it when you add more children to the mix things actually get easier? I apparently need two more daughters in my life because they were so sweet with my boys and made for an easy day. I need to make it a point to let my kids have friends over more often. Friends, friends, friends!
This Friday we fit in more friends with an impromptu fire night. Thursday evening Doug and I were discussing the good ol' to-do list when I said I would much rather have friends over and sit by the fire. The weather was going to be too nice to waste it actually accomplishing anything. He took zero convincing. Us adults attempted brownies and cookies over the fire (some hits and some misses) while the kids ran around in the dark. Look how gorgeously green everything looks in this picture....makes my little summer heart happy. 

Another fun thing this week was Emery's Show and Tell. The week before I was reminiscing about when my Dad would get to come to school and be the guest speaker. He would talk about his love for wildlife and teach us about different animals, and I always got "cool points" with all of my peers. Emery's eyes lit up...."Could Grandpa Jim be my Show and Tell?"  You should have seen Em's classmates eyes when Dad walked in with all of his cool stuff. I took off a little early too to be his assistant, and I am pretty sure we would still be there answering questions from interested and excited 2nd graders. I don't think Em will ever forget this Show and Tell!

While the rest of us have been busy, when I looked back through my pictures from the last few weeks about the only ones I had of Theo were something like this....asleep way before bedtime. 
Again...asleep before bedtime.

And again...very asleep before bedtime. Kid just can't hang. He is just such a little toy lately. Or maybe I shouldn't say little. He weighed in at 18lbs 3oz this week at the doctor making him by far our biggest baby. I packed up all of this six month clothes...and went straight to 12 months! Stop growing Theodore!
Saturday wrapped up Soccer. Em in her finest lime green. She is going to miss getting to see Charlee on the weekends. 
Auggie Boy ended his season scoring four goals in the last game. He is our anxious one but that all seems to melt away when he is playing ball. Seeing him enjoy soccer makes me excited to be a ball mom for all the years to come.
Bennett still doesn't understand why he can't play, but he ended up being a good sideline buddy all season. I am seriously obsessed with this boy. 
And this one loves to be outside so he was content kicking around on the ground. Before soccer started I'll admit I had mixed feelings about having something on the calendar every Saturday. It ended up being something I looked forward to all week because it was so good to see my kiddos outside, enjoying friends. It felt...normal. 
We finished our weekend with Emery Kayt's spring recital. She played a duet with Ms. Karen and a song on her own; the girl rocked both. She is nerves of steel and has come so far since she started in August. Some of her greatest fans were there...
Grandpa Sammy and Grandma Susie
Grandpa Jim
And don't forget us super fans! Auggie is probably Em's number one fan (but wouldn't admit it) and Bennett made it a point to clap loudly (and sometimes hum along) for everyone. We all went out for ice cream after and it was the perfect way to end the weekend.

I officially have two countdowns starting today. My brother's wedding is this weekend and the last day of school is next week! Both of these bring a big busy to-do list...but both of these also bring so much fun!

Happy Monday!


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