Officially Summer!

Summer 2021 technically started on May 14th when the school bell rang but because of how busy we have been I am calling today, Monday May 24th, the official first day of summer break for us. 
Helloooo sunshine!
Emery had the best school year. She is a reading machine. Right now she loves graphic novels with a few American Girl doll books sprinkled in. I love finding her hiding in her room reading and she packs a book every time we get in the car. Books will take you so many wonderful places Emery Kayt! While I am thrilled to see her reading skills really take off, I will admit that it is her math skills that really have us impressed. And it's not because she is some amazing mathematician that we are so proud of her. It is all the hard work she put into math this year. We learned a valuable lesson that hard things can become easy things through hard work and consistency. She put in the work and it showed. Em would also be mad if I didn't mention her 19 A+ spelling tests. In a row. Above all of this I know she is a kind, inclusive friend and makes us proud just by being herself every day.

Things I want to remember: She wore a pony tail and scrunchie ever single day. Even though I begged her not to. She loves art, class parties and writing letters to her pen-pal and friends. She is also still a hot mess. I don't want to even look in her book bag right now. 
Auggie Boy had a wonderful first year of school. Thinking back to his major meltdown on the first day, I can confidently say every other day was the opposite of that. Sure, he is not always the happiest morning person in our house, but at the end of every single day he got in the van with a huge smile on his face. He has stated reading and loves finding words he can read while we are out and about. I asked him what his favorites from the year were and he said he loved P.E. the most (no surprise there), mac and cheese/fish sticks day was his favorite lunch and his favorite day was when a leprechaun snuck into their classroom. He came home with all of his supplies nice and neat which cracks me up because that is the opposite of Emery and too much like my brother Austin. He will sometimes say he doesn't like school...and then will beg to do more of his summertime homework. I always tell him it is okay to think that school is cool!

Things I want to remember: He wore tall socks everyday and requested a mohawk a few days a week, he (can also be read as we) got better at handling nervous feelings, his lower case g's and their super long tails, and waiting on him to get in the van because he had to tell all of his friends goodbye.
Bennett wrapped up speech (aka stool) last week, I was out of town for a few days with my Dad and Doug got back from a work trip on Friday. It has been go, go, go since that last day of school. So busy it didn't really feel like a break at all. But this past weekend we snuck away with some friends and kicked off the summer in the most perfect way.
Its a long story of how we know the people that own this amazing house in Indy, and I will tell it to you sometime if you see me, but for now I will just say that when Doug, Troy and Eric ran their half marathons in October of 2017 we stayed at this house and swore then that we needed to go back with all the kids someday. I don't think we knew then that that would be 10 kids with one on the way! We all got there Friday ready for a relaxing, fun getaway. We swam a lot, set up lizard traps, explored in the woods, played wiffle ball, fished, ate yummy food and drank yummy drinks. All without ever leaving our little oasis in Indy. We laughed that we always drive a few hours just to stay in one place the whole time...we could totally do this in Effingham too...but that wouldn't be the same. 
Em loved swimming the most. Of course. She is a mermaid. She also loved the fact that I never combed her hair, the ice cream sundae bar and playing with the little girls. She is the ring leader and attempts to keep all the ornery boys in line. Thanks for being easy, Em.
When I asked Auggie he first said his favorite part was swimming. Then he thought about it. "Actually my favorite was just being with my friends." Which coming from Auggie is a slightly surprising and very sweet answer. 
Bennett was very proud of the fish he caught when just he and Daddy snuck down to the dock to fish. He also loved swimming and is the very best at belly flops. He loved the hot tub too and is now just asking me non-stop when he can swim in our "poot" (L's are hard). 
Theo was an absolute angel-baby this trip. I don't think the kid cried once and he slept like a dream. Forget Emery...he is the real MVP of this trip! He is happiest to just hang out and that is exactly what we did all weekend. 
Also...summer Theo is going to be my favorite Theo. Give me all the sticky bare baby skin. 
The kids had so much fun. The adults even more I think. It was the perfect way to really kick off our summer break. 

Our week this week is a little busy and a little slow which is just how I like our summers. 
Happy Monday and happy summer break!


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