August Samuel || Six Years Old
August Samuel you are six years old. Every year I tell you I am not going to let you turn another year older. That is because every year I fall more in love with this little boy who stole my heart on the evening of June 9, 2015. Every year you grow funnier, smarter, sweeter and more inquisitive. Every year you are braver, kinder, more helpful (and maybe a little less stubborn and emotional). This last year brought you kindergarten through a pandemic, bouts of anxiety, a new baby brother, good friends, new hobbies and interests and so much more. You went to the beach for the first time, learned to read, gave countless bottles to Theo, mastered the art of telling a joke, wore tall socks and tennis shoes everyday, dominated soccer, asked a million questions, went on playdates, sang lots of 90's country and listened way more than you have in the past. You might not cuddle me as often as you used to, but you still tell me you love me at randoms times during the day and give me the sweetest smile when I tell you I love you too.
You have always done everything big. You love big, hate big and dream big. You love cheese pizza, baked potatoes and all fruit. Your favorite song is Chattahoochee (or really any Alan Jackson song) and your favorite color is orange (go Illini). You love playing baseball and board games (you always seem to win), and making Theo smile. When I asked you who you love the most I already knew the answer. You said "You" and gave me a hug. (I might ask you that everyday.)
You hate it when you don't get your way, asparagus, barbies, getting wet when not in the proper attire, not knowing what is going on and sometimes sharing with Emery and Bennett (your words).
Happiest Birthday Auggie Boy!
Love ya
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