Theodore Douglas || Eight Months Old

Earlier this week someone asked me how old you are and I confidently told them seven months. That evening I saw the date and realized that my newly turned seven month old is actually very much an eight month old. Of course then I did the whole 8 is closer to 10 and 10 is almost 12 know how it goes.My littlest, my baby, you are eight months old today, and I am always very torn around this mark in that sweet first year. You are far from a newborn, the stage I can never get back, and that makes me sad. But what makes you Theo becomes more pronounced and familiar everyday. *Peep the knees in this pic*

Right now I would describe you as irresistible. Your quick smile, your horse voice, your wiggly feet, your chubby knees, the twinkle in your eye, your two little teeth....I am obsessed with all of you. We all are. It also doesn't hurt that you are so darn easy. You sleep from 8ish to 8ish. This last month you decided to wake up around 5am to party but we could usually get you back to sleep and it was short lived. You love one giant nap during the day that I try to not miss, but if you do you are pretty okay with going with the flow. 
Like I suspected you moved on from baby food quickly and just want whatever we have. I couldn't list a favorite food because I really don't think you care. You weigh a little over 20lbs and have been in 12 month clothes and size 3 diapers for months now. You sit up like a champ and roll or stretch to get where you want to go. You are going to get in to so much trouble when you do start to crawl; every crumb and toy goes into your mouth plus you have to be where the action is. Your big siblings have already been warned.  
This last month brought you your first swim which you loved, your first little vacations which you loved and your first real sickness which you didn't so much love. Other things I don't want to forget are: Your constantly moving feet. There is no guessing who you got this from; Grandpa Jim and Uncle Austin do the same thing. Your love for rough and tumble play with your Daddy. I didn't know you two had a game you play on the changing pad until I sat you up the other day only to have you trust fall back as hard as you could and laugh. Your horse little whisper when you say "da-da", your perfect profile and big blue eyes that remind me so much of Em's, your whispy hair that both needs to grow and needs to be cut at the same time...I just realized there are too many little things to list here. In summary, I don't want to forget anything about you.

You are just the sweetest and we love you so.

Happy Eight Months Theodore!


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