Theodore Douglas || Nine Months
Theodore Douglas--you my sweet boy are nine months old today!You could not be any sweeter, sillier or squishier. Because you are the tag-a-long to all of your siblings' events, strangers are constantly commenting on how good you are. I just smile, agree and tell them you are an angel. Because that is the word that I think of when I think of you.
You are a squish. Pure soft, squishy chub that just begs to be kissed. Today you weighed 19lbs 10oz; your weight is in the 50th percentile as is your height and like all my children your head is in the 95th. Perfectly made. I swear you are bigger than 19lbs because my arms can't take too much of you. Your blonde hair is thickening up after your first haircut and you still only have two (of the cutest) teeth. I can't look at you without seeing baby Emery; it must be the big big blue eyes and perfectly rounded nose. I can also dream that you will act just like her too. You have the chubbiest, shortest fingers that still manage to pinch and grab handfuls of food just fine and your chubby knees don't help you at all when it comes to standing up. You want no part of that.
You do like to army crawl and can get going pretty fast. You will be happier when you can truly crawl; you have places to go and siblings to follow. You are happiest when you think you are getting attention; even if Daddy is really talking to me, you are happy to be in his presence and coo right on back. You smile and laugh easier than any baby I have ever seen. You even entertain yourself by patting your belly and laughing at yourself. You can clap, sometimes tell us how big you are, and here recently can stick your tongue out and wiggle it when we show you ours or ask you where your tongue is.
You like big afternoon naps, holding your own bottle, immediately rolling over when put on our changing table and eating whatever is left on everyones plates. You are the perfect baby to our crew--happy to be wherever we are, doing whatever we are doing. Each of us claims to be your favorite, and you are number one in all of our eyes. We feel so blessed to call you ours and look forward to this next month of growing and changing.
Love ya P
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