The End
The End. This last week has been the official countdown to the end of our summer. It is always bittersweet. No more impromptu park dates, no more up past bedtimes (even worse no more sleeping in), and no more mid-day kisses. I always cry on the official first day of school because I already miss what we had. The summer that just was. But I also love this time of year. I love the excitement on my children's faces as they learn who their teachers and classmates will be. I love school supplies, planning meals and systems to maybe make life easier, and catching up with my other "big kids" at the church picnic. As a teacher who loves her job and school, I am very blessed to get to do both. I love my summers. I love my school year. More and more I am realizing what a blessed and happy life that leads to.
As a teacher, this time of year brings me the same question from everyone I meet: "Are you ready for school to start?" Last year and this year this question is asked with a different tone it feels. As if the person asking already knows the answer and assumes it isn't good. But that is never how I answer and really never how I feel. Especially this year. It is going to be a wonderful year. Kids are going to learn, and so will their teachers. Friendships will be formed. Faith will be strengthened. Kids will get a little closer to figuring out who they are and who they want to be. Memories will be made. And on top of all that it is going to be fun. It is going to be a wonderful year.
My own children feel the exact same way. I even think my big bad high schoolers do too. My teacher heart hopes this is the attitude of every child, parent, teacher and staff member going into this year. Having this attitude can only make the year better for all. Bennett Lee is not that sad to see his siblings sports seasons come to an end. Always the fan, never the player. He has much to look forward to this school year as he finally gets to go to school and finally gets to play soccer. I think all of my children are going to have great school years...but this guy is who I am most excited for. He had to have school supplies (even though he doesn't need them), has the cutest "pack-pack" that he already uses about everyday, and he will be upset when he doesn't get to go everyday like the others. He is going to be the loudest and proudest little bullpup around!
Auggie has some best buds in his class this year and as of now feels only excitement for his new teacher and grade. Aug has done a lot of growing up this summer, and I am feeling more prepared to go into newness with him. All three big kids went to the dentist this past week and no tears were shed, so we decided if we can handle the dentist we can handle anything! Just call this the "No Tear Year"! His tall socks are ready, he might let me put gel in his hair, and he is feeling confident. Its going to be a good year for Auggie Boy.
While third grade feels old (I mean its upstairs for goodness sakes) I have no worries for Em this year. She loves school and friendship and learned last year that sometimes it takes extra practice and work to get better at something. Her cheery and sweet attitude will make this year a great one. She will be a saving grace here at home too as life gets busier; I don't know what we would do without her. Speaking of feeling old...Miss Em is also starting the year off with a new big girl room! Its the end of an era at the Jansens; no more nursery. We now have a girl room and a boys only (except for mommy) room. It was a spontaneous move, but so far is working out perfectly. Just as long as everyone sleeps...sleep and school go hand in hand.
This is how Theo feels about Mommy going back to work. Just kidding. That was how he felt about school shopping.
Really he is all smiles. He loves Sharon's and is exhausted from playing the day away when he gets home. I am the one that will miss him. He is just too sweet and squishy and growing up too fast. I am thankful for this summer with him; he was the perfect little tag-a-long. He doesn't make me nervous to be busy again with four and for that I am also thankful. The start of the school year does remind me that I will soon be needing to plan a 1st birthday...Oh time.
Last night was back to school night for these pups. We met our teachers, dropped off our supplies and saw lots of friendly faces. Tonight we will eat supper a little early, scrub a little harder in the shower, lay out our school clothes and head to bed just on time. And we will pray over our school, our teachers, our principals and our friends.
Tomorrow I will probably cry. But I will also look forward to the huge smiles on my kids' faces as they run to the van to tell me how their first days were. I look forward to everything this new school year will bring.
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