Theodore Douglas || Ten Months Old

Double digits. Ten months old. Thats you sweet Theo. Its hard to believe, but this past month brought us more smiles, more belly laughs and more sweet sweet sweetness from you. We are so lucky to have you P!

I sat here thinking of one word to describe you, and I always seem to come back to angel. You have the easiest going personality. The only time you cry is if you are fighting a nap in the car or if someone takes a toy from you. This last one cracks me up because it is a fake cry that you can turn on and off, and it never lasts long because we are all at your service. You will never know how to share. 

You busy yourself army crawling (although you can crawl), spinning in circles, looking for your siblings and recently pulling up to stand. Getting down is still a problem. You always have two toys in your hand (often a ball and a hot wheels are your brothers brother), and you love to rough-house. Many nights you will find us lying on the floor in your room so you can crawl all over us.

You are our biggest baby by far and have moved on to some 18 months clothes. Just this week your two front teeth popped through and now your grin will become even cuter. I wonder if you will remind more of Auggie when they come in...right now I still only see your sister.  Your eyes are big and blue, you still have the chubbiest little fingers and feet (you really are just a squish), and your blonde hair is fluffy with a slight curl in the humidity. 

This last month brought you a new room, a new car seat and all the big kid food and milk you could want. You sleep like a dream (thank you) and so far sharing a room with your brothers has worked out perfectly. Mornings are so fun when all three of you wake up happy to see each other. (Don't tell them, but Em is still your favorite). You are a food lover and just shovel whatever we are having in. The other night we put you in your high chair and started to pray over our meal. Watching you out of the side of our eyes, you looked all over for your food...even in the pocket of you bib. Just give me my food Mom! You are slowly weening yourself off of formula and bottles; I am pretty confident that you would pick a sippy cup of cold milk over just about anything right now. You are my first child to do this...maybe you will be easy to potty train and stop pacis too. 

You tell us how big you are, stick out your tongue, give kisses (good ones too), and love your Daddy. You talk all the time, put everything in your mouth and wiggle your feet non stop. I just love every bit of you.

You could not be any sweeter or easier (or cuter). We love you so much Theo. So much!


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