Theodore Douglas || Eleven Months Old

Theodore Douglas you are 11 months old today. And I cannot believe it. Its like we have known you and loved you our whole lives, and yet it also feels like everyday we get a new glimpse into who you are. Everyday we get more comfy as a family of six. Everyday you fit right in to our lives and bring out the best in all of us. You are the happiest baby out of all the babies in the world. We have to just look at you and you laugh. You laugh so hard that it almost sounds like you are crying; meanwhile, we are crying because we are laughing so hard at you. Besides smiling (showing off your five teeth) and laughing, you spend your time speed crawling to wherever your siblings are, hoarding the remote, standing at the piano (and playing a little tune), taking big naps, getting into cabinets, and signing for more snacks. You are a busy boy.You love to rough-house and are happy if Daddy spends the evening laying on the floor so you can crawl over him. You love anything we put in front of you to eat and you love it a lot. Like I mentioned before, you sign "more" and will sign "all done" if we do it too. We decided it was time to learn some tricks and as of this week you will pant like a puppy and moo like a cow if we do it too. You mimic all of us. At the supper table if everyone is talking you decide you need to be heard too. You will also sing if you hear music. In a house of six, you have to be loud! You are just a little toy, Peo.You just got a big boy hair cut and it is official, you have the bluest eyes out of all the kids. You look like Emery and Daddy, but I also see some Auggie in you too. You are our biggest baby moving right on into 18 month clothes; you are going to look so cute in some new fall looks. First I have to find them.

I could say much, much more about what a sweet, sweet boy you are, but I still don't think it would do you justice. I could also try to tell you how much you are loved, but that would be impossible too.

Happy 11 months P. Love you, love you.


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