Where There are Octobers

I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. 

Just like everyone else I of course love the weather, the blu(est) skies, the changing leaves and the pumpkin spice. But October also brought me my original anniversary (16 years ago!), my Bennett Lee and my Baby Theo. This year it has already given me so many new memories. Sweet family time, much needed friend fun and lots more to come; thats why I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. 
Last weekend we kicked off October fun with a Jansen weeny roast and hayride. I can speak for everyone when I say that this was overdue and good for the Jansen soul. We had the perfect weather, all the food you could ever want, and lots of glow sticks. Anyone else's kids really, really love glow sticks?
Bennett loved the hayride and racing after cousins too. 
No one enjoyed the day more than Auggie. Name a farm vehicle or piece of machinery and he got to ride in it. 
A few years ago our little farmer wouldn't go near a tractor. Now we can't get him out of them. 
Theodore was spoiled, per usual. What a hard life he lives. 
I have no pictures of Em because I would have had to track her and her girl cousin gang down. Those girls were busy and giggly!! It really was such a good night. Jansens...can we say this is a tradition now?
The fall fun didn't stop Saturday night. Sunday was pumpkin patch day! 
 Fun fact: I heart pumpkin patches. I don't necessarily love sweating at them though; this year was the first time I can remember wearing shorts to pick my pumpkin! 
These cuties didn't care about the heat. We hadn't seen Nana in a month, so she tagged along and helped make the day even more fun. Bennett didn't know what a pumpkin patch was seeing how we didn't go to one last year (Theo's fault). It is so fun to see the world through his eyes. Em and Aug had an idea of what to expect and were excited to do all the fall things. 
Theo was just along for the ride. He even slept through the actually pumpkin picking. Don't worry, we picked you a good one Bub. 
Em will love designing her own pumpkin this year. She has always been our get in there and get your hands dirty kind of girl. 
Aug would prefer Doug or I do all the yucky work, but he will be right there telling us how to make his pumpkin the scariest on the block. 
And Bennett Lee will probably want a silly pumpkin; he will also probably be covered in pumpkin mess by the time we are done. 
He really just wanted this tiny pumpkin and who could say no to that. Give me all the pumpkins. We did everything we could (at least twice) and were a dusty, sweaty and slightly tired mess by the end of the day.   Until next year.
Sunday ended up being a pumpkin patch by day, boat ride by night kind of day. Can't say I have ever done those two things back to back, but I am not complaining. My kids love the Lake and we were very thankful for one more ride this year. Until next year again!
This weekend was all about me and my best friend...and a little musical called Hamilton!!!
Another fun fact: I heart Hamilton. A lot. So you can imagine my surprise (and happy tears) when Kaci surprised me with Hamilton tickets on my birthday. We have both been looking forward to the musical and a little pal getaway for a few months now, and our weekend did not disappoint. 
Hamilton was so, so good (go see it if you can!), but I would have been a very happy and lucky girl just to be stuck in a car for six hours with nothing to do but talk with my best friend, or given an afternoon of yummy food and drinks with my best friend, or allowed just to walk around and browse through shops with my best friend. Hamilton was just icing on the (birthday) cake. I think we have decided to start a Kaci and Ashley Bucket List for birthdays...what should we do next?!?

So much goodness and fun packed into two weekends...and to think we have two more this month. 
I love everyone and everything in this post. And I love Octobers. 



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