New Pictures, Old Frames

This is the season of change. The weather has changed, time has changed. We change out our closets, our schedule, our coats. Every year I change out our family pictures too. 

New pictures, same old frames. 

I never take any pictures out of the frames; I just add the new. And every year I take a little walk down my own memory lane. Some of the frames hold memories all the way back to Doug and I’s engagement. I love seeing the stack inside grow with each year. 

If someone laid out all of the pictures in my frames, they would see gummy smiles, turned tiny teeth, turned gaped tooth grins. They would see babes held in arms, to toddlers holding hands, to big siblings carrying small. 

What they wouldn't see is all that that one picture represents and brings back to me. Maybe it was the year of temper tantrums and prayers for patience. Maybe it was the year of hard fought for first words, first days of school and first time experiences. Maybe it was the year of surprises, or the year of good team work, or the year of answered prayers. 

I see smiles that remind me of little lisps and funny words that I promised I would never forget.  I see scrunched up noses and can hear the belly laughs. I see the rainbow sun beams and feel the presence of our angel. 

I love to look back in my frames. I love to see the change that each year brought. And while I of course get a little emotional missing what was, I also find myself looking forward to putting in next years new. 

This year, this month, this week, I am feeling very grateful for all the layers under those thin panes of glass. Today I am grateful for what is right on top.

My new pictures in my same old frames.



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