Signs of Spring

Out on a Sunday run a few weeks ago I spotted a little poof of something green next to the trail. It stopped me in my tracks; the very first sign of spring. Before Covid, I had no thoughts on spring. Honestly if you had asked me to list the seasons from favorite to least, poor spring would have been last. But when the world stopped two years ago, spring took on a whole new meaning. We enjoyed the mundane; the new sound of birds back from their trip, sunsets after supper instead of before, green buds on trees and next to the trail on our twice a day walks. Our lives were slow enough to finally take a breath and soak in spring. 
I know that spring ushered in some really lonely, frustrating and scary days. It did for us too. But looking back with my rose-colored glasses, I remember a beautifully slow spring. One that forever changed my outlook on this time of year. 

Two years later, I am still intentionally enjoying the "mundane", but I feel very blessed to also be back to enjoying the busy. I think it is finding the sweet spot of being thankful for both. 
Our March has been the sweet spot. 
We kicked off March in such a fun way--girls trip! For Christmas we gifted the little girls and Nana tickets to the Fox and planned a little weekend away. As much as I miss baby Em, having a big girl is the best. Having nieces the same age is also the best. I see many girls trips in our future. 
We saw Mean Girls. And yes, to answer your question, it was highly inappropriate for these three. Us adults just kind of crossed our fingers that the bad would be way over their heads and the good morals of the story they would get. After the show we asked them if they had any thoughts...questions...comments...
They had two. Number 1: You should never act dumb to try and impress a boy. Number 2: You should never put someone down in order to make yourself feel better.
Phew!! Sounds like my questionable parenting payed off!
The rest of the weekend was spent eating way too much (it was Nana's 65th birthday after all!), shopping a little and enjoying the hotel. I got to cuddle with my girl (who has always preferred cuddling with her father instead of me) and enjoyed catching up with D, Nana and DeeDee. It was a weekend well spent.
March has already been a big month for Em. Last weekend she made her first communion and was confirmed. I catch myself just staring at this picture of her; this month she just seems so grown up to me. I teared up in church when I looked across the isle and saw her. I am overwhelmed by her big heart and servant spirit. I am overwhelmed by the gifts and lessons she has brought into our lives. 
She is just the sweetest blessing. 
Emery had been looking forward to her special day for quite a while; she took every decision and lesson very seriously. When it came to choosing a sponsor she had a long list to choose from...aunts, cousins, friends. She kept coming back to Aunt Vicki. Vicki was my own sponsor and is a woman of faith that I personally look up to---so good picking, Em. Her saint's name was also something she really thought about. In the end she decided to study Katharine of Drexel. Name wise she thought it would be pretty cool to add Katharine to her name because it is her Great Grandma Angela's middle name. She would then have have two special names from her two special great grandma's since Kayt is after my Grandma. (We also learned that Katherine is Aunt Vicki's chosen saint name too!) We know all about Em's saint at our house; Katharine Drexel is the patron saint of racial justice and philanthropy, she believed all people should have access to education, she was just canonized in 2000, and is the second American born saint. Em could go on believe me!
The night before church (as I was putting good ol' foam rollers in her hair), she and I talked all about her special day. Questions, feelings, thoughts, all of it. As a side note I made the comment that she would need to eat a big breakfast because she would most likely be hungry by the end of church. Without skipping a beat and with the biggest smile on her face she said, "But my soul will be full!"
That was such an Em thing to say. 
And that was my prayer the whole day and will continue to be going forward. That God will continue to fill her with His Spirit, with joy, with confidence, with peace. That she will always know that she is made in His image, loved beyond measure, and saved by His grace. 
Her special day was a full day, but a very sweet day. Auggie Boy was a proud little brother, godparents and grandparents loved on their girl, Doug and I did both. Congratulations Emery Kayt!
Our full weekends (and weekdays) have been wonderful, but so have the slow ones. The ones where we make messes in every room of the house or get our boots muddy in the creek or take a big family nap or feel no guilt when out on a long run. I really love those days.

Today's one of those days. Tomorrow will probably be one too. 
Perfect days to enjoy those first signs of spring.
Here is to March being the sweet spot!



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