August Samuel || 7 Years Old

The very second we found out you were a boy, I knew your name. August Samuel. 
I knew you would have beautiful blue eyes. I knew you would love baseball and your big sister and me. I knew you would be your Daddy's shadow. I knew you would change our lives, and I knew that I would love you forever. 

What I didn't know was just how true all of those things would be or how hard and fast I would fall in love with a little blonde haired baby boy seven years ago. The minute we met I wasn't sure I could ever love you more, but here we are. Your 7th birthday! And as you grow (and grow), so does my love for you Auggie Boy.  
You are smart, inquisitive (I should put extremely in front of that word) and funny. You have taken up reading to your brothers and like to sneak into Emery's room and steal her books. You ask a thousand questions a day, push every button, look in every drawer...and if you don't know the answer to something you pretend that you do. You are full of jokes and pride yourself in making your younger brothers laugh.
I think as the middle child you are used to someone always being around; therefore, you are lost without Em and the boss of B. Theodore has brought out the best in you; you now pick Theo cuddles over mom ones. You love me the most (always have, always will), but you are the one that wants to do everything with Daddy. You want to be just like him when you grow up.
You love sports but especially baseball. The other day I heard you telling Theo that baseball "is the greatest sport in the world." You love being the number 4 and the color red. You love cheese pizza, baked potatoes and fruit (which is the exact same food list you told me last year). You love to listen to "Believer" by Smash Mouth, you love to wear tall socks and jeans, you love to ride along on Menards trips with Daddy and you love me.
You are quite opinionated and particular about certain things; when you get it in your head that you don't like something or like something a certain way, there is no changing your mind. You have a long list of foods you have decided to dislike, you want your clothes to fit just right and you must be dressed appropriately for any given situation. You have always been this way, so by now we have you pretty figured out. You do surprise us from time to time which I love, but I have also learned to love these qualities about you--I pray God will use this strong will that He gave you. 
This next year you want to go to five Cardinal games (how about one or two?), you want to go to Chicago and you want Daddy to get a truck. When you grow up you want do what Daddy does. When I asked you what you thought that entailed you said you really didn't know, but you knew it was a cool job. Like I said you want to be just like him when you grow up. 
Auggie I used to beg you to stay little, but I have realized how special and fun it is to see you get big.
I pray this next year is full of all of your loves and dreams. Because you deserve just that my Auggie Boy.

Happy, Happy 7th Birthday!
Love ya



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