Happy All The Things

I sat down and sighed before writing this. 
It wasn't a bad sigh though, believe me. It was a "where do I even begin-I am sad thats over-lets do it all over again" sigh. The kind of sigh that is followed by a smile (and maybe a yawn too). For nine days we have been busy celebrating all the things and doing so with all the people we love. I don't want to forget any of it, so here it all goes. 
It all started when these two lovely ladies came down to visit last Saturday. I met Katie and Sarah on my first night of college, lived with them for two years, and have been friends with them ever since. We don't see each other near as often as we should, which I am reminded of every time we are together because it is always so fun. 
The last time they came down was in 2019 (like I said, we don't see them near enough), so I knew I wanted to make this trip extra relaxing and fun for them. In 2019 Sarah's son AJ and our Bennett were the same age that Theo and Sarah's son Frank are now. My boys were happy to have two more boys around; Emery was happy to hang with the adults and dote on another little cutie. They actually stayed out at the Lake (because Joe and Patty Jansen are too good to us), and we spent the weekend swimming, boating (thanks to our chauffeur Chuck) and eating and drinking good. I swear the weather ended up being the most beautiful weather we have had all summer. We were all sad for the weekend to end, but plans were promised for us to come visit them soon. 
After Katie and Sarah left we needed a break from all of our lake swimming...so we went to the Newton Pool. And it was probably one of the best days we have had there. Em was just a mermaid like usual. 
Auggie mastered his cannon ball. For real. Kid is good.  
Theodore has decided that he loves swimming and can float just fine in his puddle jumper all by himself. He spent his day doing belly flops in the shallow and wishing he could do what the big kids were doing. 
But the kid that had the best day was by far Bennett. We have swam enough this summer that he does just fine with no floaties. On this day at the pool he showed off those skills in the deep and he finally got to go down the slide! 100 times. I have never seen a more happy (and exhausted) Bennett Lee. 
Wednesday was Girl Day! For her birthday Em wanted to invite her favorite people over; a mix of best friends and cousins. She wanted to play outside, swim and eat brownies (I do make some mean brownies), all without her brothers. Your wish is my command Em! I shipped the little boys off to the babysitters, Auggie to some friends, and Emery got to have her perfect day. Mom came over to "help" me; I put "help" in quote marks because the girls were all so sweet and easy. I did catch them putting mud pies in my clean new garage fridge, but other than that they spent the day giggling, swimming and snacking. I will let Em have Girl Day anytime!
Thursday was my own form of Girl Day; I got together with my three best friends from high school (and all of their littles!). Kaci did the math and her and I are about one and a half years away from our 20th year of friendship (how should we celebrate??). Her and I latched onto Kendra and Sharon just a year or two after becoming best friends....and the rest is history. Talk about people I don't see near as often as I wish. I pray often (especially when I saw Em's sweet group out giggling on my patio just the day before) that my children will have lifelong friends who love them, pray for them and are just there for them like I have had. The kids spent the morning wrecking havoc on Yvonne's backyard while us women attempted to visit. 
Little Miss Katie made the day extra sweet. You are looking at my new Goddaughter! I cried when Shar asked me; what an honor to play a special part in this little angels life. Next time my girls and I get together we vote NO kids allowed...except for Katie I say! 
Thursday night was Date Night. I just laughed because in my head I thought "talk about someone I don't see near as much as I wish..." Yes, I see my husband just about everyday, but its the alone time that is pretty rare these days. We snuck off to the drive-in Thursday night for a private showing of the new Top Gun. Good friends of ours had bought the night in a trivia night auction; we had food, drinks and the perfect view. Top Gun was so good and so was staying out past bedtime with my first and only movie date.  
Friday we started to really get into party mode. We had extra special plans for Em's actual birthday, so she simply wanted to go out to eat at Pinky's on Friday night with grandparents and D. We did the same thing last year and honestly sprinkling presents and people throughout the evening makes each one more special. Emery Kayt...your people love you!
Pinky's was fun. Live music, a birthday dessert with a sparkler-like candle, the whole restaurant singing "Happy Birthday"...and rainbows. Lots and lots of rainbows! Last year it poured on Em's birthday and we were stranded at Pinky's. This year was a repeat but with multiple rainbows. I told Em rain on your birthday must mean good luck. Add in the beautiful rainbows and our girl must be in for the best year yet! 
While I had been having fun all week, Saturday was really the day I had been waiting for. July 16th; my Double Blessed Day! Nine years ago God blessed Doug and I with a daughter. A daughter who is kind, content, funny, smart and beautiful. A daughter who has the best laugh, puts others first and slows us down (in a good way). A daughter who pushes us to do better and be better because it is what she deserves. Doug and I truly do not know what we would do without Em; we put a lot on her shoulders daily and she is always just the best. And the best deserve a huge box of donuts and candles on their birthday!
July 16th is doubly blessed because it is also Doug and I's anniversary. 11 years! I could say a million things I love about this man and the life I have with him, but maybe I should just tell him. I will just say life keeps getting better and better with this guy by my side. He is pretty cute too. 
We celebrated our day big this year. A few years ago Doug and I saw the band Train at the amphitheater in St. Louis. I vowed then that I would always see them if they were close, and guess who was back at the amphitheater on July 16th. I am not joking...go see Train if you get the chance. It is an outstanding concert. So that was Em's birthday present (Uncle Terry added some Train merch too). The girl has decided she would much rather do something than get something--she loves her family and friends and memories. I agree sister! 
Our house has been blasting Train songs for months now and at the last minute Auggie got to tag along too for his first concert. We went with Uncle Terry's and Uncle Phil's and it made for the best night. It was also the sweatiest night. We sang our hearts out, danced liked crazy (Em and Hannah were even choreographed), ran through sprinklers and crashed at midnight after cold showers for everyone. If you told me Train was back next weekend, I would hand you my money and ask when we were leaving. I think everyone in this picture (and the adults not included) would too. It was the best way to celebrate our double blessed day. 
Nana held the fort down and this guy (plus Bennett) were jumping up and down when we pulled into the driveway. We were ready for a slow night and now are ready for a slow week.

So can you see why I sighed (and smiled and yawned) when I sat down at my computer? It was all so good, and I am sad that its over; however, a little summer slow down before school starts (yes I said the S word) sounds just fine to me. Until the next celebration!



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