In the Hallways|| My Back To School Prayer

For quite a few months now I've been asking myself the same question: how can I better serve my people? And do it with a grateful heart. My husband, my children, my family, my friends. How can I love them well? It started out as kind of a New Years Resolution thing, transitioned to Lent and has continued to bounce around in my heart and mind all summer. 

This summer I have tried to love my husband and children well. (Maybe I should ask them if they noticed- ha!). Better schedules and routines have allowed me to be more present and positive. I have sought out pleasure and blessings in the mundane...laundry, supper messes, morning hugs.  I have worked on patience and understanding (failing and trying again daily). I have told them I loved them, I have prayed for them, I have tried to encourage or help them. I have had a whole summer worth of trial and error and grace because believe me I am in no way perfect.  My heart has been at home, and I will continue forever on this quest to love my loves well.But now I am staring down this empty hallway. Starting next week my days will be filled with approximately 200 students; some I have very personal connections with, some I see once a day, others I just pass in the hallways. The phrase "my people" quickly grows when I start school, and so do the worries and doubts.

So how can I serve my students well? Thats where my heart and mind are today. I know if I can find God right where he has me at home-doing dishes, breaking up arguments, picking up toys...surely I can find God right where he has me at school- in the planning, the grading, the have a good evenings, the bustling hallways.

I feel extremely blessed to be able to talk about my faith at my school; I am encouraged to do so even. I know many teachers and schools who cannot, but I also know that every school is full of empathetic, passionate, loving people. So while faith is welcomed where I teach, sometimes I will admit God takes the back burner. There are essays to write, novels to read and always papers to grade (always). 

To be honest again, sometimes God gets the back burner in my own life. No time for a cute, quiet bible study, missed or rushed prayers, a negative attitude. I seem to often hear the saying "you make time for what is important", and maybe I feel like I hear this phrase often because I need reminded of it often. This school year a goal of mine is to make time for what is important. This will change weekly, daily, hourly. It might be a boring grammar lesson, it might be a fun break, it might be a deep discussion or a few tears....but I do know that our schools need God. I know I need Him in order to serve my students well. 

4th quarter of last year I asked my students how I could pray for them. It was a simple question, but I was overwhelmed by their answers. Some answers put a smile on my face and others brought me to tears. Some recognized how wonderful their life is and how blessed they are for all God has given them. Some even offered up the prayer I was going to say for them to someone else in their class or family. Others had deep burdens, fears, struggles or contrite hearts. What they all had in common was that they were simply thankful for my prayer. Even the kids that would admit that their faith isn't that strong or as important to them at this moment in life, they all let me know that taking time out of my day to think about them, let alone pray for them, meant a lot. It was important and they valued being seen and loved.

I want to make time for what is important. I want to serve my students well. 

I am still thinking through my school year. I'm still trying to find ways to embed this love for Christ and love for others in my every day. My prayer is for the words and opportunities to love and show God's love this next school year. I will mess up. Things will pile up. But I just know that God is good and the giver of grace. 

As all the surrounding schools start back today or in the next week, may we all pray for every classmate, teacher, volunteer, staff member,  administrator, coach--pray for them when you drive past that school on your way to work or see that bus at the stop sign. May every person at that school be used in a way to bring out the best in each other. May teachers find balance and time for what their students need. May this year bring about stronger friendships, self-love, fun, sweet memories, safety, knowledge, decernment, stress relief and a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God. May He build up leaders and use those with serving hearts to carry out His will. May we trust in Him and His provisions and remember that He is always, always with us. Even in the hallways. 


And happy back to school time to all!


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