Jansens Go...

"One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure."

This October has found the Jansens saying yes a lot. Yes to getting outside of comfort zones, yes to best friends, yes to good for the soul fun, yes to sweet memories. I love memories, and as I type this I am realizing the moments that really stick out in my mind--my favorite core memories, my sweet seasons, my "I'd do that again" days--happened when I said yes to whatever life had in store right then. When I look upon life as an adventure, life seems to get good. 

And this month has been good. 

Jansens Go Flying

I am the Mom that drags us to things that might be big fails in the end. I want my kids to have opportunities to try new things; I want them to be brave enough to say yes sometimes. All of this to say, flying with Uncle Cory was not my idea. No thank you. It has actually been Auggie and Bennett who have been insisting we take to the sky. Cory promised he would and in the last month tried to have his calendar match up with ours. It just never seemed to work. A few weeks ago he texted again, and the answer was finally yes!

I just knew we would get there, Cory would get the plane all ready...and the boys would change their minds. I should have had more faith in them. (And maybe it was just me that was secretly scared). Auggie couldn't get into the tiny plane fast enough. With headsets on and the engine running, I got a huge thumbs up out the window. As they drove down the runway, I still didn't think he would actually go through with it. My boy who just a few years ago panicked over the tiniest of unknowns. But I heard the engine get louder and slowly saw sky between the tires and the runway...the Auggie boy was flying. Doug and Cory reported that he was great at spotting the farm and friends' houses. Auggie reported that flying was the most fun he has ever had. 

Next up: Me and B. Bennett is scared of nothing and wants to be a pilot when he grow ups, so I really wasn't too surprised at his excitement. I am not lying when I say that this big grin never left his face. He talked the whole time in Cory and I's ears; however, we have no idea what he was saying. He just couldn't keep his happiness in. His excitement (and Cory's expertise) calmed my nerves, and I too had a big grin the whole time. Bennett also spied Grandpa and Grandma's house, our's, and even though we couldn't see them, we received texts from friends who said they saw us and waved. Bennett's night (day, month, year) was made.  

Thank you Cory for this little adventure. I am so happy that my boys' bravery got me to try something new. You will note that Em is not in these pictures; the thought of flying has brought her to tears before. But after hearing our stories, she says next time she is going up. And there will be a next time!

Jansens Go to the Pumpkin Patch

I know, I know. The Pumpkin Patch is not necessarily an "adventure", but it is a fave tradition and source of fond, fond memories. This year's trip did not disappoint. Actually, it was probably one of my favorites. The weather was gorgeous, the crowds weren't bad, and our Pumpkin Patch guests made it all the more fun. Thank you Nana, Jordon, Paisley and Avery for joining us!

My evil plan (according to Douglas) of making our kids obsessed with all things pumpkin has worked. According to them, we are pumpkin patch people and not only that, we have to pick our own. Our pumpkin selection looked slim, but these four went on the hunt; no pumpkin was left unchecked. The best four came home with us and will be carved this week! Em and Paisley loved painting pumpkins together, Auggie loved jumping on the hay-bails and doing everything as fast as he could, Bennett loved the corn slide and getting filthy. Theodore loved the animals and sweetly saying the word pumpkin 100 times. 

And I loved it all. 
This guy. Making Octobers special since 2005. I am thankful he is always up for a yes. Plus someone has to carry around our heavy pumpkins. 

Jansens Go Camping
Camping has never been on our family bucket list. Besides three little kid sleeping bags that have only ever touched our living room floor, we do not own a single camping item. We are big hotel fans, big nice restaurant fans, heck...big electricity fans. But when one of your best friends starts a "We should all go camping" campaign, you say yes (and hope for the best). 
After borrowing a tent, scrounging around for flashlights, and packing the bed of the truck as full as it could be packed, we drove down to Lake Glendale in Southern Illinois on Friday. This is the view that met us. Southern Illinois has kind of become our little getaway spot, but we had never been there for the beauty of fall. God was showing off all weekend-the bright leaves against the October sky, the perfect chill in the air, the smell of yummy camp food (cooked over a blackstone...we didn't rough it that much), the sound of the wind and crickets and your babies' slow sleepy breaths to lull you to sleep. Its like camping heightened all of our senses. With nothing around you but beauty, it is pretty hard to not feel grateful. 
Friday night we set up camp, took a little hike, rolled down hills (kids, not adults), ate walking tacos, got scared by raccoons (then fell in love with raccoons) and crossed our fingers for a good nights sleep. Theo was snoring in his pack-n-play by the time the rest of us laid down. I think Bennett would sleep outside if we let him. Em snagged the coziest spot in the tent. It was only Auggie that I was worried about. While packing on Friday he asked me what we would do if he decided he was too scared to sleep in the tent. He didn't like my answer. As I listened to my fellow campers get comfy and settle in, I waited to hear my name, but the only sound came from the wind in the trees (and my husband's snores). Camping success. 
Saturday we woke up refreshed and ready for a full day of adventure. After a blackstone breakfast of champions (and coffee made in a brownie pan), we loaded up the bikes and headed to Tunnel Hill for a big bike ride. How big you ask? 10 miles big. 
We rode a little, snacked a little, rode a little, and snacked a little more. The five miles out were easy peasy and apparently slightly down hill. The five miles back, not so much. All of it was beautiful though. 
These kiddos were such troopers the whole time. I never want to forget the little conversations here and there with my big three, depending on who I was keeping up with at the moment. Let us also not forget the time  Em ended up sideways in the middle of the dark tunnel. The rest of Saturday was spent skipping rocks on the lake, letting the kids make their own fire (#smart), eating delicious burgers and fries, and singing silly campfire songs until way past bedtime. Camping success, again. 
Sunday morning was the sweetest morning, and I never want to forget it. 
Sunlight slowly woke our tent, one child at a time, until just Em, Doug and I were waiting on Theo. When we heard a peep from his corner, we couldn't say "Happy Birthday" fast enough. He wrestled between Doug and I, giggling no to any attempt at a good morning kiss or a birthday hug. After sleep sack off and shoes on, he stumbled out of the tent and was met with the cutest rendition of "Happy Birthday" from his brothers and friends. One more round of the song followed, this time with a banana (his favorite) and two lit candles. And then the sweetest grin. I love this picture. His disheveled hair, dirty little fingers and the wonder in his eyes. Ugh. I am going to keep him two forever.
Sunday we packed up, lost the kids (they kept getting braver and braver), and were sad to leave. In a shocking turn of events, Doug and I went from asking ourselves if we were crazy for trying to tent camp to asking ourselves if we are tent campers now. We both realize that everything about this first time camping trip was ideal. We were spoiled. Next time (because I really do think there will be a next time) I hope Dana's can camp too; the more happy campers the better, right?

 This month we flew in an airplane, we laughed with friends, we carried on traditions, we tried new things, we celebrated, we went camping, we made memories.  This month has been a good example of what a yes will get you sometimes. 

It will get you the good stuff. 


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