S is for September

 S is for September-a month that has never been at the top of my favorites list. It just feels in the middle, and I am more of an all in type of girl. I want fall, I want traditions, I want special moments with special people. I used to find myself wishing September by. But (because God seems to always be teaching me to slow down and look up) the more Septembers I live, the sweeter they seem to become. 

S is for School. We officially have three smarties in school now. Bennett loves school. He loves eating breakfast with the big kids, he loves his backpack and new blue shoes, he loves his friends (might not know their names but loves them), he loves speech, he loves...everything. But isn't that just how he goes about life? We should all be more like Bennett Lee.Auggie boy has had a great year so far. He goes about school work as fast as he can, silly mistakes and all. His math skills have improved, but I think what we have on our hands is a reader. I also think we have a class clown. His class has been practicing writing letters to each other; in the one he brought home this week his classmate wrote that they liked his jokes and the fact that he always makes everyone laugh and smile. I am so thankful that the nerves from last year have been replaced with confidence.

Em is rocking 4th grade. Girl is completely self sufficient (thank you sister) and seems to be living her best life. She does her homework in her room (#toomanybrothers), loves being in choir (might even cantor), and is thinking about running for class president. I want to be just like Em when I grow up. 

We are truly blessed with the best teachers, classmates and schools (mine included!)

S is for Sports. September Saturdays are for soccer. Auggie's team is fun to watch; his best bud Russell is really good, and Aug has become his right hand man. While Auggie's team is skilled, Bennett's team is cute. B did score a goal last weekend and let me know that "the sun was sucking the energy right out of him." September has brought us a new team to cheer on too: The Angels! Auggie and many of his classmates are on a new 8 and under travel baseball team. It is fast paced and makes this momma nervous. I just want the boys to have fun and play their best! They do look awfully cute in their matching uniforms; Aug might need to grow into his. 
S is for Sprint. I tried a new thing in September...a sprint triathlon! Do not let the cool, calm, confident smile in this picture fool you...I swear it was the hardest thing I have ever done (slight exaggeration, but still). If I see you in person, I can act the whole scenario out, but here is the quick recap:
the swim was twice as long as I thought it was going to be...opps, mountain bike + wind + hills = me wanting to cry/laugh/quit, and I only passed one person running (because she went the wrong way). But you  know what...I did it! And I didn't cry or quit. I was very ready to see Doug, Emery, and Ammon cheering me on at the finish line, and I was very ready to be done. 
Until next time. 
S is for my sweet Goddaughter. On September 18th, Miss Katie Jo was baptized, and I had the honor of holding her, loving on her and praying for her as her Godmother. When Sharon asked me, I cried. When I was holding Katie after her baptism, I cried. What an honor to be the Godmother of this sweet girl; a little girl that I have been praying for before I even knew her. Sharon is actually Bennett's Godmother, so we had to get this picture. How blessed are we to have such special people in our lives to love on us!
S is for special moments and memories. Douglas and I snuck away for a very rare date night to end September; we got to catch up (uninterrupted) and saw Pujols hit #701! It was the perfect way to close out this month-a favorite place with a favorite person. Looking back, this month was full of special moments and memories. Friend movie nights, my father's wedding, long runs, family birthdays, impromptu get togethers, bike rides...big moments and small ones, equally special. 
S is for this busy season with these busy (and cute!) people. 
Sometimes I wish I could press pause. Just for a second. Keep everyone where they are right now.

But there is certainty of God's presence in every season, isn't there? Busy or slow. Summer or Fall. Hard or easy. He provides and sustains and makes it all so sweet. 

September. I'll go ahead and admit it...you aren't so bad. 


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