In All Things, Everywhere

I know, I know. It is easy to feel a little extra thankful in November. Even if you throw out your pumpkins for trees as you flip the calendar from October to November, you have to admit that the month lends itself well to thankful lists and a heart of gratitude. Gratitude should not be a seasonal practice, but I believe we sometimes need a hearty reminder of where our hearts and minds should be. In all things, everywhere we should be thankful. Thankful for the big things and the small. The special and the everyday. The perfect and the imperfect. 

Our November has been full of all of these reasons to be extra thankful. 

I am thankful for new experiences. We kicked the month off with all things U of I. Doug and I took the big kids to their first Illini football game, and it was a hit. The kids got to high five the players as they walked in, we tailgated with some Effingham friends and past students, my bigs were blown away by the band, and we were literally almost blown away by the wind. These three were troopers all day; they make new experiences so fun and for that I am thankful. 

Two days after the football game, we switched sports and went to a basketball game. Big fans! This trip to Champaign was with some of our favorite Jansens which made it even more fun. Em is happiest with Katie, Auggie hangs on his Uncle's and Rube's every word, and B is just delighted to be included. I hope there are more games (and Illini wins) in our future. 

I am thankful for my best friend (and any time I get to spend with her). Kaci and I have always gotten each other birthday gifts. After she surprised me with Hamilton tickets a few years ago, it dawned on us that we should be using birthdays as an excuse to spend some much needed time together. Why did it take so long to figure this out?! Last year I gifted her a spa day...and this month we finally went. Yep, practically a year later. Yes, we need to get our act together when it comes to planning time away; however, this trip was probably just the reminder we needed to make an effort to put our friendship first sometimes. We started with a winery lunch, then pampering at a spa in Lawrenceville (who knew?), followed by nothing but talking. And I wouldn't have had it any other way. Thankful doesn't quite cut it when I think about this beautiful woman next to me.

Emery is thankful for her family, friends and all the things she gets to do. She has kept us busy this month. Em danced with the Bellettes at halftime of a basketball game, and when I say danced I do mean danced. Girlfriend's got the moves. She has also taken up a new sport-basketball. Em is in her try anything years, and Doug and I are proud of the effort and chance she gives it all. On top of homework, piano and practices, our girl runs the world at home. She really does so much for all of us, and I need to tell her how thankful I am for her more than I do. 
While Auggie Boy says he is thankful for his family, I really think he is most thankful for any extra time he gets with his best friend. He would go live with Russell if I let him (he even told me Dana is the best mom), so maybe friendship does trump family on his thankful list right now. And I totally get it; there is nothing better than a best friend. I am so thankful for the people God has placed in my children's lives-friends, teachers, family. They are all answered prayers. 
Bennett Lee is also thankful for his family (especially me, thank you very much). He has spent November working hard in speech and school, doing puzzles all by himself (new obsession), and winning Best Kid Award at home. He has enjoyed getting to do more big kid stuff which makes him happy and me kind of sad. I would keep Bennett five forever. Always thankful for the joy he brings with him everywhere he goes. 
Theodore is thankful for his Daddy. If you ask P who he loves, his answer is always "Daddy". Always. At least I have Aug and B who love me. November brought this boy a toddler bed and the end of the crib era at our house. I am thankful for a fairly easy transition and for good sleep. I am also thankful for two year olds. Two is all about will power, new words and hilarious moments-Theo being strong in all three. He is in love with our Christmas lights and squeals with happiness at the sight of his matching sibling pajamas; he is going to be so much fun this next month. 
On Thanksgiving we ran a fun 5K Turkey Trot with friends. I am so thankful for my own friendships, the ability to move my body, where I live and the wonderful weather we have had for so long. We had two thanksgivings and an engagement party over break. I am so thankful for our families and our health. We decked our halls, got caught up on laundry, brainstormed house remodel plans and were lazy. I am so thankful for the simple days and a chance to catch our breath. 

It was easy to practice gratitude this month. 
In all things, everywhere.


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