Stored Up and Treasured
At school recently we read about Jesus's birth according to the Gospel of Luke. There are so many moments of sweetness, symbolism and simpleness in our Savior's birth story, but a moment that many in the room were drawn to focused more on Mary than the swaddled baby lying in the manger. After the shepherds saw baby Jesus for themselves, it says that they spread the word and all were amazed at what they had to say. I can only imagine the excitement and new-found hustle and bustle the news of a newborn king would ensue. With any new baby there are gifts to buy, meals to prepare, visits to make. While this chapter of Luke allows us to envision what was happening out in the countryside after Jesus's long awaited arrival, it also gives us a glimpse of Mary's reaction to giving birth to her Son. She doesn't start in on the to-do list, or get overwhelmed by visitors, or worry about being enough. Instead, Luke 2:19 states that Mary "treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Let that little line sink in. I love the idea of Mary storing and treasuring these memories in her heart on that first Christmas. Just soaking them up and keeping them forever, right in her heart, just for herself. She would have noticed the little things too. Her Son's dimpled fingers, His perfect pout, the way His hair swirled and smelled. A mother's point of view is a special thing. A gift to ourselves in a way. I think in all of the crazy, we moms tend to remember the insignificant; our five senses have the ability to transport us back. Stored up memories come to life in smiles and tears, and the memories are always rose-colored.
Luke 2:19 got me thinking about what I am storing up and treasuring from this season of life. Emery is nine and there is so much I want to store up. She is in her "nose in a book (Harry Potter to be exact), face-timing friends, try something new" season. She is the first person I speak to every morning, and she still says her same bedtime prayer every night. She loves her Daddy and her Baby Theo. She would live with her best girl friends if I let her. She wants to grow her hair back out long. Her room is an absolute disaster, and she rolls her eyes a bit more than she used to, but she is the calming force in our home. My favorite place lately is beside her at the piano, giggling as we mess up again. I hope she will always have room for me right next to her.
August Samuel is seven and there is so much I want to store up. His confidence and inquisitiveness grow with every season. He knows everything (right or wrong) and keeps us laughing with his "Auggie Facts". He thinks he is old enough to stay home alone and is entering into his "I just want to watch sports with Dad" phase. He still gets nervous, yet is the most confident kid in the house. He loves jeans and tall socks, swears he is the best cook in our family, and pushes everyone's buttons. He has changed a lot in the last year, but his love for me remains the same. My forever lover boy.
Bennett is five and there is so much I want to store up. His innate kindness only seems to grow as he grows. He holds the door for everyone because he is a "gentleman" and asks me daily if he is special. He tells me I am the best mom in the world and doesn't let me forget to kiss him goodnight. He loves his siblings, footy pajamas and puzzles. I love the way he says my name, how hard he works to speak, and his always messy face. Oh, and his dimples. This boy is my joy.
Theodore is two and there is so much I want to store up. So much. The excitement in his eyes when he sees his Daddy. The bounce of his hair that is too long but too sweet to cut. His Emery-like laugh. When he gives into a nap on my chest-with his arms folded in close to his side like he did when he was a baby. His hand-me-downs. The way he tags along (and bosses) his siblings (and the way they love him right back). Two is the season of new words, new independence and new characteristics. Learning who this little boy is and who that makes us has already been such a blessing.
And I feel like I am only able to treasure this season because of this man. Everything with him by my side is made sweeter and easier.
As Christmas gets closer and closer, I am trying my hardest to not get pulled into the busy. We are inevitably busy, but that doesn't mean I have to feel it. Instead I want to feel the joy and peace that Jesus's birth brought to Earth. I want to store up all the little moments and treasure this season we are in. I want to be like Mary.
I hope that whatever season you are in and however your Christmas is feeling, that you can store up something sweet and treasure it for the years to come.
Merry Christmas!
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