Best Yet

As I picked up my two big kids from school today, I hung my head out the window and yelled "SUMMERRRR" at the top of my lungs. Like the crazy excited person I am. Auggie did a heal-click. Em pumped both fists in the air. They weren't embarrassed; they are used to their mother's antics. They also know how sweet summers are together, and that the Summer of '23 promises to be the best yet. 
Emery Kayt is done with 4th grade! It was the year of trying all the things, realizing math can be hard (while also realizing it is okay to ask for help), loving all things Harry Potter, surprising us, remembering to always be kind, and being proud of new found talents and met goals. This summer is going to be so fun for her--she is looking forward to sleeping in (Miss Sleep-in-queen), swimming, theater camp, friends (and more friend) and flying for the first time. Em will be the girl I can count on this summer-at home and out having fun. 
Auggie is finished with 2nd grade! I asked what the hardest thing for him was this year. As he thought and thought, I suggested "Being good..." to which he just threw back his head and laughed. The boy might have his moments, but he really is such a great kid and had such a great year. He is proud of his math skills (multiplication is apparently a piece of cake) and is going to miss his teacher the most. I knew he had just the teacher he needed when he told me the biggest lesson he learned this year is that "if there is a choice between bring right and being kind, choose kind." He is looking forward to staying up late, Cardinal's game(s), playing ball, and begging me for a playdate with his best friend everyday. Aug will be the boy that keeps me busy, on my toes and laughing. 
Bennett Lee is all done with pre-k! He prefers to be referred to as a kindergartener now and doesn't understand why he can't do all the things the "big" kids do. Forever the middle. Bennett works hard in school and speech. When I tire of his never ending talking, I have to remind myself that I prayed and prayed for his speech and that God would use it someday. From the joy that Bennett brings into the lives of those around him, I already count this as an answered prayer. B was made for summer--the sweatier and dirtier the better. He will enjoy every second of everyday and will be the boy that brings the joy (and the mess). 
And this one. Theodore baby. Tomorrow morning starts "Mommy Days"; days of me begging for cuddles and kisses, changing his own clothes 3x a day, sneaking snacks, not being told no, tagging along, sibling love. All of his favorite things. And mine too. 

As a teacher and mother, the last day of school brings many emotions. So much excitement, a breath of relief, and a tiny bit of sadness. My kiddos and I are so blessed August through May with the people that God places in our schools, classes, clubs and teams. They make the year so good. And yet it always ends and the truth is is that it will never be the same. But I have come to learn that at every happy ending there is a happy beginning too.

So here is to sweet summers together, and to Summer of '23. The best yet. 




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