August Samuel || 8 years Old

The fact that I remember word for word some of the things I wrote about you on your 7th birthday can only mean that this last year went by too fast. It might also mean that almost everything that was true about 7 year old Auggie still rings true today. Your 8th birthday.You still ask all the questions, crack all the jokes and know all the facts. Now we just call them "Auggie Facts". You still love baseball, wearing hats, being number 4, tall socks and baked potatoes. To that list you have added Minecraft, making lemonade and fishing. Your music taste has also stayed the same your whole life; somehow you know every word to every country song on the radio. Like me, 90's country being preferred. You are still quick to say that you love me the most, but your friends and Theo are tied for second I would say. I love this age, when true friendships are found and forged. You beg for sleepovers and playdates and think your sweet friends are the smartest and funniest people in the world. Emery and Bennett used to suffice, but now you need your buddies. I still swear Theo was meant for you the most; you are patient with him where others try you. You really can be so sweet. (And I haven't determined if this is a good thing or a bad thing yet, but he acts just like you, Auggie Boy). You are still particular and opinionated. You hate being called August, clothes that don't fit just right, and being by yourself. None of this is really new. But you have surprised us too with your understanding, bravery and willingness this year. So not only have you grown up physically, but mentally, spiritually and emotionally too. You have big dreams for this next year. You want to go to as many Cardinals games as you can and you want to fly to Colorado (to watch the Cards play the Rockies). I promise we can make some Cardinal games and maybe a baseball game at a different stadium happen...but probably not in Colorado. You still want to work at Heartland Dental when you grow up--adding that you want to work in real estate (you have figured out what Daddy does and still want to be just like him). You want the biggest and the best of everything and every experience, and I pray your unique characteristics are used by God to bring you a lifetime of joy. 

Eight years ago tonight I couldn't get you into my arms fast enough, and tonight it will be you holding me in your arms (and not letting me go) as we say good night. My baby boy all grown up. I hope you feel loved today (and everyday)--Happy, happy birthday to you Auggie!


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