Theodore Douglas || Three Years Old

Theodore Douglas, our baby boy, you are three years old today! You would not be happy that I am calling you my baby; you declared yourself a toddler many months ago, and you have since even moved on to the title of "big boy". Little do you know that you will forever and always be our baby. Even if you are three. 
As you turn three, I do feel like we are crossing a threshold. I threw the diaper bag away months ago (and am ready when you are to throw away the last of the diapers). I don't really worry about your naps. You can pick up your own toys, pick out your own clothes, and hold your own when you pick fights with your siblings. I don't know the last time you let me truly hold you or really help you (besides the occasional string cheese you need opened or sweatshirt put on), and I already have to beg for a kiss. 
You are independent (and always have been). You are persuasive and stubborn (but can be reasoned with fairly quickly). You are polite (sweet thank you's come easy for you). You are funny (and already know all of the ornery words and tricks to pull-blaming two big brothers for this one). You are smart (and seem to remember everything). And you continue to show us more and more of who you are. Getting to know you is one of my favorite things in the world.  
While lots changes when you become three, I also feel like lots has stayed the same. You still say you love Daddy the most (but your actions always prove that I am your number one). You still are sweet with Emery, think Auggie is funny and love to pester Bennett. You want nothing more than to be playing with your siblings and believe with all your heart you can do everything they can. You are still a toy and our favorite form of entertainment. You are still spoiled (and forever will be). 
You love going to "Bam-aa and Bamp-aa's House", riding your tricycle, eating cheese sticks, spilling milk on the floor, dressing however Auggie and Bennett are dressed, wearing your sweat-stained Cardinals hat, singing the song "Take Me Out to the Ballgame", stealing Emery's "stuffys" to sleep with, wearing your fast red shoes, driving Daddy's truck, and having all of our attention. 
Life is made pretty darn sweet by you little boy. 
Theodore Douglas today you are three. Whether it is three or thirteen or twenty three and beyond, you are our forever baby, our toy baby, our angel baby, our gift from God. The title doesn't change, just the number that goes with it. We love you. x100. 
Happy Birthday!



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