
Theodore is a little walking calendar. His world is made up of Brenda Days, School Days and Mommy Days; ask him what he is doing next week, and he will tell you. Daily he asks what tomorrow holds (even though he knows) and earlier this month, while asking when Daddy was going to be home, he let out the sweetest observation: 

We have lots of tomorrows!

Said with the biggest smile on his face. The minute he said this, tears unexpectedly welled in my eyes. We have lots of tomorrows. I had never thought about our tomorrows in that way. To be honest, I often find myself worrying about our tomorrows. What will tomorrow bring? Am I ready for tomorrow? And of course the not so fun to think about truth that we are not promised tomorrow. And while tomorrows can bring up lots of mixed emotions, Theo's exclamation made me realize just how sweet the idea of a tomorrow is and just how blessed we are to have so much to look forward to.

Theo started pre-school this month and if he had his way, every tomorrow would be a school day. We knew he would love school, and we were right. Not having the same schedule everyday has been a little bit of a struggle for our very regimented man, but I think we are slowly hitting our groove. October looks to be so fun for Theo...lots and lots of tomorrows to look forward to. 
(I am obsessed with this little boy.)

Em spent all summer waiting on a very special tomorrow: the day she got to go see Hamilton! Doug and I gifted Em tickets for her birthday to see her fav musical, and we have all been waiting to go since July. Anytime Doug and I can sneak away with just our daughter, we are promised the sweetest time. Em is so easy and grateful and makes our lives so much easier. She deserves many more tomorrows full of show tunes and cheesecakes. 
If there is anyone I would like to spend my tomorrows with, it is Douglas. I'll save the mushy stuff for him. The picture-it's blurry but he cleans up so well. 
September was full of all kinds of fun, but our favorite bit of fun was our little St. Louis getaway. Between ballgames and weddings and just plain ol' busyness, Doug and I (and the kids) felt like we needed some just us time. It was actually Doug's idea to sneak away to St. Louis to do four of our favorite things: Cardinals game with sweet (cheap) seats, hotel stay, eat all the yummy food, and see the hippos at the zoo. Hippos are number 1. I swear time away with the kids gets more and more fun and only makes me more and more excited for all of the fun tomorrows to come. 
September was full, and October looks to be fuller. 

The above sentence causes me to feel overwhelm and excitement at the exact same time.
Sometimes I can get bogged down with the daunting to-dos. Sometimes I can only see what is right in front of me. Sometimes I struggle with the unknown. But if Theo's little spoken truth does nothing else, it reminds me of how sweet a tomorrow is, how thankful I should be to wake up to a second chance everyday, and how blessed I am to have so much to look forward to. 
Oh...and it makes me smile. 


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