That Perfect Birthday Moment

Emery blew out her birthday candles last night and we sang her "Happy Birthday"....which just happens to be her favorite song. I of course snapped a few pictures. When I went back to look at them, and maybe pick my favorite, I teared up. The look on my girls face was that of amazement and joy and love.  The perfect birthday mix. I want to remember that face forever. So here are all of the pictures.... picking a favorite would have been impossible.

Her huge smile reminds me of the fact that the best part about your birthday is being with the ones you love. No big presents or fancy places..... Em's birthday was a simple day full of hugs and kisses.... And cupcakes;) Who needs anything else?

Happy Birthday to youuuuu Emery! Love ya!


  1. So sweet. She is blessed to have so many people in her life that loves her so much. How blessed we are to have her! Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow for more birthday fun!


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