August Samuel~One Month Old + Our New Plan + Silly Emery

You would think that with this being my second time to the newborn rodeo, I would know what I was doing. By a month, I would have a growing, happy baby. I would have figured out what worked and what didn't. I would not be stressed...or quite so sleepy. Sadly, this is not the case.
Until today. August had his one month appointment, and as we guessed it, he has only gained a pound. Not enough. When the doctor asked if he is a happy baby, I immediately answered nope. As I have mentioned before, he only wants me--if he is awake he is crying--something just seems off.....and strangely familiar.
When I look back through my blog, exactly two years ago I was describing this same experience.

From this blog, August 13, 2013: "To be honest, the past couple of weeks have been a little tough. For about ten days Emery has screamed. She was clearly angry, upset, and didn't feel good. Her Mommy and Daddy (who are very new at this!) tried to make her feel better, but we finally assumed she had colic. Nana visited and her and Mommy finally took Em to the doctor....turns out she was really just hungry (I would scream too if I were that hungry!) She was still below birth weight so the doctor told us to feed her all she wanted. So we have been feeding her before she can ever get that mad and she is like a new baby. So happy! Before, she cried all day and took no naps. Now she is so happy and easily gets full and sleepy. Sorry Emery....Mommy is still pretty new at this! We are learning more about you everyday!"

Fill in the name "August" for "Emery" and there you have it. The poor boy is hungry. Yes I should have known, and if I am honest with myself, I did. But I wanted it to work this time. I wanted to be successful. I wanted to be right. I wanted to be the mom that knew best. Doug and my Mom have both asked the question..."Do you think he might still be hungry?"That almost angered me...I am doing everything I am suppose to be doing, why would he still be hunrgy?? But....they were right (they will love that I am admitting this ha!). I should have learned from the past...Emery and August are definitely related--their weekly blogs read exactly the same--except Em had some really cute bows:)

So the new plan for my new baby is to feed him--make sure he is full and happy. Today, after I fed him, and then he started to cry, I gave him a bottle. His little fingers held mine and he immediately calmed down....and so did I. Daily tears and no break from a crying baby had left me secretly stressed and tired. Not good for me or my little family. I already feel better and I hope Auggie Boy does too!

August Samuel you weigh 8lbs and 5oz and are 21in long--and growing;)
We go back in two weeks to make sure of that.

I know this post should be all about August, my #2. But my #1 is just cracking me up lately. I want to remember every silly thing she does.
We went to Tuscola yesterday (in the rain) but had the best day. Emery is so fun to take places--she is a go with the flow kind of girl and gets excited about everything we do. My hope is that she stays this we now enter "The Twos".
She is sweet and sassy at the same time. I can be getting a huge smile one minute and the stink eye the next.
Her newest obsession is dressing herself. This is how she came out of her room this morning. She will announce that she needs a "Princess Dress" and run to her closet. And do not even get me started with her shoes. Shoes must always be on. And she must pick them out.
She isn't even two yet....what am I going to do when she gets older???

Wish me luck with BOTH of my babies!


  1. Aww he seemed so happy and content to me. Slept good. So glad you found out what was going on and have a ready remedy for it. You go now August and eat until you area full and we will enjoy watching you grow!


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