Expectation VS. Reality

I left work as soon as I could because I just knew my littles had to have missed me as much as I missed them. I would walk in, Emery would come running and August would light up with a smile when he heard my voice. I would drive home while Auggie slept and Em told me about her day. I would come in and get Emery a snack then sit down to cuddle August. All would be calm and cuddly and just perfect. We would enjoy our evening together. That was my after school expectation.

When I opened the door, Emery pointed at the Chipmunk that was on TV instead of running into my arms. I should have known because Chipmunks probably trump Mom most of the time. Auggie was just sleepy and a little hungry. I really do not think he even knew I was there. As we pulled out of the drive and I tried to strike up a conversation about Em's day, she decided to start crying because she wanted a drink of my drink. That was empty. Then she cried because she wanted her shoes off. Then she cried because she wanted her shoes on. Then she wanted Bunny...I did not have Bunny. Around this time August decides to join the tear party because he is now all of a sudden starving. As they start to compete for who can get louder, Emery turns to August and yells, "Quiet Baby Auggie....MY cry." That is right....my two year old told my two month old to stop crying because it was her turn to cry. (At this point I was wondering when it was my turn to cry.) We got home-I got both out of the car-and Emery Kayt refused to come inside. As in a run around in circles in the hot garage shaking her head noooooo kind of refusal. I finally gave up and just went inside. (Don't worry...she was right behind me). Auggie had to have a bottle right then....and Miss Em had earned herself a timeout. A paci sufficed for the two minutes Emery sat in timeout. The rule is she can get up after two minutes as long is she is ready to talk about what we did wrong and apologize. The smirk on her face told me that no apology would be given right then....and August was back to tears...so I gave in and started to feed him. She was off the hook for the moment.

There were more Emery tears during the next 15 minutes but by the time August was done eating....both kids were quiet...and I realized very very sleepy. I laid Aug down and finally got an apology out of my Em.....and then I went to the bathroom....I forgot to mention that I had to go this whole time. Sheeesh.
Now both are chilling and happy (thank goodness). And I am too. From the hugs I just got from Em to the sigh of comfort I received from August...I realize they did miss me. I wanted to remember this story. For one it makes me laugh....and gives me a little glimpse of my arguing children's future ha. But it also helps remind me that sometimes, in the end, reality is even better than my expectation. I am given just what I need. I got my hugs and kisses in the end....and that is all that matters!

I am just going to go ahead and guess that it will be an early bedtime for everyone tonight!!


  1. Very cute. You seem to enjoy this a lot. I am happy for you.

  2. You are so blessed that pretty well all of your days are soooo much calmer and fill your good expectations rather than like today. Just count your blessings and go with the flow.
    I'm sure they were glad to see you. Gpa and I were just wondering how things were going for you since you were back at work. I told him I would get on the computer and see if you had anything on here. Ii just got home from club so did not want to call you this late. Glad things got calmed down and hopefully all get a good night sleep and rest.


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