August Samuel~3 Months Old

August Samuel you are three months old. Three whole months! What have you been up to Auggie Boy??
You are a growing boy. I do not know how much you weigh or how long you are, but judging by the little rolls on your thighs and those cheeks, you are doing just fine! You are still in size one diapers (but probably not for long) and your three month clothes fit you perfect. I went through your drawers and closet the other day and got all emotional at the fact that I was already needing to pack away the clothes you do not fit in anymore...I would really be fine if you stay this size forever! You just fit so perfect in my arms. Your eyes are bright blue just like Daddy's but that is pretty much where the Jansen in you stops. Your hair is still very blonde and very curly. I love will probably hate it. Most people say you look like Uncle Austin but the more you grow the more Emery I see....I would say you are the perfect mix!

You still eat about every three hours---4 ounces each time. At night you stretch that and sleep from about 8:30 to 5!! Get up-drink about 6 ounces-and then right back to bed. This weekend we actually had to wake you up twice. Have I mentioned that I love you haha!
You smile at enjoy watching big sis Emery....but you LOVE Mommy. You just melt when I hold you. You must be able to see me at all times but you would prefer to have me touching you. As I type this, you are in your bouncy seat and because I am holding your hand, you are happy. Which leads to the one thing that makes you mad, riding in the car. You are not a good traveler....why would you be? You can't see me. The few times I have climbed in the back of Doug's car (just to hear Emery say, "Mommy too BIG!!") you immediately breathed a sigh of relief when I was in your line of sight. Our new ritual is to come home from school and sit down together--I just lay you on my chest, you close your eyes and we cuddle as long as we can. Sometimes 10 minutes or sometimes an hour...whatever Miss Em will would stay there all evening if I let you.
You are like to play on your play mat and have finally found your hands to chew on. You are also just beginning to find your little voice. I have a feeling you are going to change a lot this month...all of a sudden you aren't going to be my newborn anymore.

We love you August. Happy three months!!


  1. Wow love this blog. He is just growing so and I such a good little boy, you are so blessed that both kiddo's are so good and they are good eaters and sleepers. They know and feel the love from Mommy and Daddy and extended family they are so content. They are truly blessed and truly a blessing. Love you all.


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