I Could Get Used to This

Friday seems like forever ago. I guess a full weekend of fall weather and fun will do that to ya. I am feeling a little recap coming on!
Friday we had an impromptu friend supper--the Cardinals were playing! We picked up some pizzas, they brought some dip and dessert and we were all set. Maybe they need to come over again because the Cards haven't won since......
Saturday the kiddos and I headed to Wal-mart bright and early. We needed to grocery shop for the evening--a family fire night at our house. August Samuel clearly enjoyed himself shopping haha....he looked at Emery and I like this the entire time. No tears. No screams. Just pure annoyance on his face. Such a boy...
Good thing this one is my shopper! Before long Auggie might be requesting to stay home with Daddy and do boy stuff.
Lots of Jansens visited Saturday night. There was of course yummy food and Miss Em had her first s'mores experience. The verdict: she would much rather have just a plain "farfellow" then a sticky s'more. Suit yourself sister. We all stayed up too late. Good thing we had nothing planned for Sunday.
In the afternoon I was a good little teacher and went in to work at school. The kiddos were napping so it was perfect timing. Then I got this picture of the boy. Someone wanted to watch football with Dad I guess....
It was too nice to stay at school or inside so out we went. I love having sand and a swing set in the back yard--at least we stay busy for a little bit.
Emery has been begging us to swing Auggie so we bundeled him up to be comfy and let her push him first. I am not sure who liked it more.
Doesn't his sweet smile just melt your heart?
And this one's smile is just as contagious. They make life so fun.
Instead of the early alarm clock and rushing out the door, we took Monday super slow--no school! Em and I read every book in the house then when August woke up we played outside in our jammies (which Em found to be very silly. I had to explain that there was no point in changing the three of our outfits just to play in the back yard--yes I totally pushed her in the swing with my pink fuzzy robe on. No shame.) 

They took afternoon naps and I finished laundry and graded papers. I could totally get used to having that extra day to finish jobs and just enjoy.
Monday is tumble day and each week I am more and more proud of Emery Kayt. She listens and follows along and tries whatever Miss Jamie asks her to do--all with a big grin on her face. Go job Em!!

Tomorrow will feel like a Monday but I know the week will go by fast...it always does. Here's to a good one!


  1. Glad you had the day off and the opportunity to spend extra time with Em and August. Looks and sounds like you had a fun day. :love the pic of Em pushing Augie in the swing. liked hearing you say that she has been wanting him to swing. tha tis so sweet of her. Can't wait until they are old enough to converse to hear all the sweet things I am sure they will say. Thanks for the blog.


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